06/15/2010 7:41 AM |
Below is a blurb from CBS Early Show this morining. Can you imagine if the feds take over? File a claims for 1 million and get two to make sure you are treated well?
Gibbs: Administration may seize claims processing
© 2010 The Associated Press
June 15, 2010, 6:17AM
Speaking from Washington, Gibbs said the oil giant's claims processing work has been unsatisfactory. He noted that Obama "has the legal authority" to make the claims process independent. And Gibbs also said "the best way to prevail upon BP is to take the claims process away from BP."
Interviewed on CBS's "The Early Show," Gibbs pledged "that will happen. ... The president will either legally compel them or come to an agreement with BP to get out of the claims process, give that to an independent entity."
My question is: What do the feds consider an Independent Entity? The American Trial Lawyers Assoc?
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Rocke Baker
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06/15/2010 8:41 AM |
WOW!!! Talk about your eternal job security! In a way it reminds me of that scene in the movie, 'Beetlejuice', where the dead bureaucrats are shuffling paper for all eternity as the folks in the waiting room sit there and slowly rot, holding their number to be seen by Juno the caseworker. Where do I sign up? Ol' Ghost
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ChuckDeatonLife Member  Senior Member Posts:1110  
06/15/2010 9:22 AM |
What a bunch of IDIOTS! Everyone who posts here either knows Mike Worley and his company or knows of them. They are talented beyond belief and are one of the best in the industry. BAR NONE! When Mike Worley says, Frog, everybody at Worley jumps. In my educated opinion the boys at Worley can pull a rabbit out of their hat and have proven it many, many times over. And Obama thinks the U.S. Government can do better, BULLS**T! It will be just exactly like handling flood claims for the NFIP.
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
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06/15/2010 10:56 AM |
the whole idea is not to let BP 100% control the claim process... which makes sense to me...
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06/15/2010 1:26 PM |
Rumor from the guys hanging out in the Waffle House parking lot is the Feds have been "inside" the big claims office in LA for a few days now checking things out. Feds may have a better day rate or pay per file.
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06/15/2010 1:51 PM |
it's a complex political game, Obama needs to show that he is in charge, it seems at this point that BP's losing it's independence in handling the claims and government will not be too careful in dispersing some of the oil giants funds to the injured public.
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06/15/2010 8:30 PM |
A few minutes ago your Presidente says an independent entity will be set up to administer the claims. Do we know yet who that entitiy will be yet? Will there be a change in the status of the adjusters working the claims? So many questions to be asked. Ol' Ghost
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06/15/2010 9:23 PM |
Posted By Ol' Ghost on 15 Jun 2010 08:30 PM A few minutes ago your Presidente says an independent entity will be set up to administer the claims. Do we know yet who that entitiy will be yet? Will there be a change in the status of the adjusters working the claims?
So many questions to be asked.
Ol' Ghost
He also talked about using the National Guard to process claims.
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
06/15/2010 10:40 PM |
Some Chicago Adjuster will be the bag man.
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claims_ray Member Posts:293  
06/15/2010 11:12 PM |
Ray,calling Olegreed a bag man is an insult to bag men.
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06/15/2010 11:19 PM |
crawford i hope :)
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Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
06/16/2010 7:46 AM |
ESIS IS the third party
Tim Johnson
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
06/16/2010 4:31 PM |
Posted By Tim Johnson on 16 Jun 2010 07:46 AM ESIS IS the third party
If ESIS is the third party than nothing changes as they are already involved and they have Worley already on scene with Crwford still on standby.
So , with the same players, the only change would be a larger presence of adjusters to bring the 75 to 1 ratio down, correct Tim ?
Robby Robinson
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
06/16/2010 7:08 PM |
That is what I figure. It will be interesting to see if the inside adjusters will handle a file from cradle to grave or if you will just pull the next one in line. On the gubments involvement, think about this, in or about 1990 they took over the operations of a legal brothel in Nevada for non payment of taxes. They shut it down fairly shortly after taking it over. They could not run a profitable business selling who ha and whiskey. How are they going to run this deal?
Tim Johnson
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06/16/2010 8:31 PM |
Just my view of what could possibly happen. Fed takes over claims process. Pays claims based on its criteria, BP reimburses Fed.Fed has then become one of BP's creditors, BP files bankruptcy, Fed has now put itself in the position of being the bad guy when the claims stop being paid. There is no doubt the cleanup will be handled by the government. But the individual claims should be solely BP, whether they get paid or not. Just my rant, JWG
I know the voices aren't real, but sometimes they're right!
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06/17/2010 9:25 AM |
Details of how this is going to be handled are unknown at best IMHO. Whether they would leave a current TPA in charge exclusively is a big question. OR they could bring a couple more of TPAs in ... My understanding is that at this points feds will assess the situation, and if they feel that Worleys guys are not adequate to take on this deal they would contract more TPAs :) We'll see
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06/17/2010 11:33 AM |
We are thinking like adjusters and the govt is going to think like the govt. ESIS and Worley have been handling these claims like business interruption losses, i.e., the present loss based on the past. The fishermen are complaining that they were having the best year in a long time and that last year was awful, but they are being payed on last year's profit. This kind of narrow thinking is going to lose this process to FEMA or the Assn of Moose Lodges or the National Guard.
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06/17/2010 2:17 PM |
Whomever gets the job handling the BP claims will be facing the same issues with any BI claim. Anyone can claim they are making big bucks and the current problem ie...the oil spill is the culprit the rub comes in proving it with verifiable paper. I heard these same complaints after Katrina but when it came time to show proof well there just wasn't any. I suspect most of the claims are in that class expenses outweigh income and we should know these damages are not ones you can see you need documented proof I suspect the Worley crew and sonn the Fed's would be facing that same issue. Everyone has to answer to a boss Worley has to satisfy BP surely BP has investors and/or reinsurance Another thought where are all those 30,000 clean up workers living and eating that would offset alot of tourist loss.
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06/17/2010 3:44 PM |
In watching the BP CEO, Tony Hayward, being grilled by the Congressional committee I was struck by how much Mr Hayward is like the small English schoolboy caught behind the cafeteria by the school Headmaster, with his hand down his pants. 'Sorry, Sir', 'Won't happen again, Sir', 'Didn't receive that email till after the incident, Sir', 'I don't recall that, Sir', 'I was on break at that time, Sir', 'That was before my time, Sir', 'I don't remember, Sir', 'I'll do everything in my power to set things right, Sir', 'I can't comment till after our investigation is complete and we reach a conclusion, Sir', and anon anon.
Meanwhile, his hand is still down his pants as the oil gushes!
Ol' Ghost
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