ChuckDeatonLife Member  Senior Member Posts:1110  
06/17/2010 10:33 PM |
In Mr. Hayward's defense, he is the CEO of a large corporation, not a tool pusher pulling a daylight tour on the rig floor and neither is President Obama. Nor are they mud engineers, nor does either of them hold a captain's license. Mr. Hayward is certainly more capable than Harvard's Barack Obama. Subjecting Mr. Hayward to probing questions on national television is embarrassing. Nobody drawing a government pay check has the faintest idea how to staunch the flow of oil. Best to be play nice with Mr. Hayward and his minions. Working in the oil patch is analogous to being a Catastrophe Adjuster, those people are well paid and independent as hell! Embarrass them on national television and they are liable to take their knowledge and equipment and go play with the grandkids. They won't much of it from a community organizer from Chicago who puts his hand in his crotch during the National Anthem and won't put a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
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06/18/2010 8:15 AM |
I also feel the Hayward was not in the loop on the plans for this hole. What bothers me is that there has to somewhere be the logs from the exploratory hole showing what they would be up against in the drilling. In the San Antonio News this morning there is an article about the concentration of methane being found in the crude.
According to John Kessler of Texas A&M the oil comming up from the site contains almost 40% methane vs a norm of 5%. This is one if not the largest concentrations ever seen in crude. That is a setup for one massive explosion which sadly happened here. The article also went on to say one of the reasons for the containment vessel that was lowered over the well head failed was that the high concentration of methane crystalized blocking the exit ports that the captured oil was supposed to be pumped out of. One other comment in another article was that a requirement for a super blow out preventer that had a cost of approximately $500,000 be used on deep water drilling was eliminated some time back. Wether or not it could have prevented the explosion based on the methane readings will be debated for years. Now the issue of "dead zones" in the Gulf will be heavily studied. Again, that will not happen overnight so there will be a massive tail on these claims.
Rocke Baker
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06/18/2010 12:12 PM |
Hayward and BP likely know their company is history. Willingly turning over 1/3 of their available liquid assets to Obama is not a good sign. Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is a very likely outcome especially with hurricane seaon on the horizon. If that happens the British economy will collapse as so many Brits are invested in BP The Fed's will face the same issues the Worley crew faces The claims of Gulf businesses are not supported with solid paper facts. I have seen this same claim from Katrina They claim big losses when in reality most are losing money. BI is predicated on Net Profit not loss. These claims will go haywire with a hurricane. Oil spread over a large area of any major southern town or territory wiil be a nightmare Will carriers pay oil clean up due to wind? Will they limit hazmat oil clean up or flat deny the damages from oil due to pollution? Imagine working claims inside a hazmat suit in Mobile come August 2010
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
06/18/2010 4:59 PM |
Whilst Mr. Hayward is not a tool pusher
I do not agree that it was embarrassing for him to be grilled as he and his minions are ultimately responsible for putting "PROFITS" ahead of safety of it's worker's.
(It should be noted that each and everyone of us that do nothing to take on "improving fuel mileage" and "recycling" recommendations play a universal role in our Nation's voracious APPETITE for fossil fuels and petroleum based products.( Most plastics are petroleum based)
I liken Mr. Haywards responsibility in this Catastrophe to that of a President of a large Carrier being lambasted for having so many claims reopened by attorney's and PA's during a large "CAT" event.
Whilst Mr. President is not the one who handled each of these claims in such a way that much of the damage was missed because of overzealous "STORMTROOPERS" MOVING TOO FAST THROUGH A CLAIM TO CLOSE AS MANY AS POSSIBLE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, he is ultimately responsible for fostering a claims process where speed is much more valued than thoroughness ( Anyone ever heard of adjusters doing claims by phone in call centers now), so yes ,Mr. President is ultimately responsible for these claims being reopened and should institute a more thorough claims process.
Mr. Hayward was not a tool pusher or a mud expert on the rig, but he put profits over safety and allowed the shortcuts that ultimately cost the lives of 11 people and has forever altered the lives of millions and may have indeed "robbed" our children and their children of the beauty and sustainability of so many generations by polluting the waters in the Gulf of Mexico.
If indeed his claims of not being aware of the decisions made on these rigs , than he is not doing his job and should indeed resign, the buck is supposed to stop with him.
Robby Robinson
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
06/18/2010 6:06 PM |
Drilling a oil or gas well on dry land near the largest industrial supply city in the world is a risk. Very few wells blow out in the thousands that are drilled each year all over the world. In 30 feet of water or 300 feet it is kinda like on land. 5,000 feet to the ocean floor is a new ball game and 33 wells are being drilled in deep water when this well blew out. BP has as much experience as any operator in deep water drilling as any operator in the world. Something real bad happened... a well is polluting the GOM and possibly more. When I got into the oil & Gas drilling in 1972 and got out in 1982 I learned a lot. I remember my first week when I was asking the bosses who hired me. When something bad happens it has to be someones fault does it not ( this was my 17 years liability adjusting experience showing that I was a real worm in the oil patch). The answer is we don,t do it that way. We just try not to point fingers as they may came back to us some day. We are working underground, iron will fail, people will fail, the formations will trick the best engineers etc. We test every thing that turns, lifts, digs, flows, moves in or out and prevents blowouts on a very regular basis. just don,t rush to blame any of the drillers or other people who help do the work on a completed wells without any problems or INJURIES. Big oil is making a lot of money, but they have a large capitol investmant and I bet Homeowners Insurance Carriers do not have as large of a capitol investmant. Do you know how you make a small fortune in oil & Gas exploriation. Just start out with a large fortune says some of the small Texas oilmen. We don,t need to pile on the operator (BP) who has stated they will pay all the just claims. Good business loss adjusters are needed. It it does not need roof climbers who know how to operate a computer program
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
06/18/2010 6:19 PM |
I read today of a fishing camp operator in Pensicola who called Commish Sink and stormed into the Worley office in the pan handle. The first payment advance was $17,000 range. This seems low for 60 days. I think the roof adjusters may have ask for his gross monthly profit and made a one month offer. It seems he has many employees and has to gross over 4 thousand per day in sales to keep his business open and keep from loosing his business. Does this sound like what some adjuster learned after working roof claims for 5 years? A loss of a very good business is not handled this way . Lets give this monster to the Obama bunch, they know how to be honorable, just and above the law.
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06/18/2010 7:50 PM |
Ray I doubt tha operator or any other can support their loss claims with rear evidence. They did not produce it from Katrina and do not suspect they can for the oil. Best get what they can now the longer the oil spews the shorter BP will stay solvent.
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06/18/2010 10:37 PM |
this will be taken form worleys it seems
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
06/19/2010 12:39 AM |
Posted By Olegred on 18 Jun 2010 10:37 PM this will be taken form worleys it seems
Worley just took another 6 of my new guys two days ago and one of my guys told me last night that his office staffed with 10 adjusters just bumped up to 15 yesterday.
They were also told there will be another wave of folks beginning Monday the 21st and these new folks will be handling the initial intake call and first meeting.
He was also informed at the end of the day yesterday , he along with every adjuster will be handed a roster of 150 claimants each, since the appt. making and initial calls will be handled by some other adjuster, they are deemed to handle more claims per day
With ESIS staying in the picture, it doesn't look like anything will change , except Worley beefing up their numbers and the possible inclusion of Crawford, it atleast appears that way !
Robby Robinson
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
06/19/2010 12:54 AM |
Ray , It is BP's fault
They got caught cutting corners to save cash and bypassed safety protocol in leau of saving time and money, that has already been established.
What about not acting and barring anyone from protecting the shorelines.
During a spill, the responsibilty party leads the way on the cleanup , why ?It's their oil !
Since the accident , even recovered oil can be refined and brought to market, the folks weren't allowed to protect their own shores and get rid of the oil that fouls the waters because the oil has a dollar value and is the property of BP , disgusting but true.
BP stated all the oil they pick up from the spill , they willl donate the amount of profits from the escaped oil to charity
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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claims_ray Member Posts:293  
06/19/2010 2:14 AM |
What difference is the blame game at this point. BP states that they will pay the cost of recovery and Obama states that he is satisfied that they are capable of paying for the recovery.
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
06/19/2010 7:49 PM |
some Florida commissioners were denied in allowing permits to defend their own beaches on the Western coast of Florida , denied by the Feds and the commissioners were threatened with Jail if the allowed these permits.
The Commissioners STOOD THEIR GROUND and the beaches were defended, only time will tell if these Commissioners go to jail
Why don't the Feds do more than talk the talk ?
Barataria Bay in Louisiana had plans to defend the Bay long before the oil decimated the Bay waters, but every course of action was denied denied denied !!!Now Barataria Bay is inundated with the oil !!
WHY ???????
What is going on with BP and the Feds ?
With "W" being long in bed with the oil industry , I am thankful he is no longer Commander-in-Chief or BP would still be running the show and this would be even a worse nightmare than it already is !!!!!!!IMHO
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
06/19/2010 7:53 PM |
I agree the blame game is pointless as of now.
I know that BP has stated they will pay every legitimate claim and that President Obama is satisfied they will pay for the recovery, BUT WHY DON'T THEY DEFEND THE BAYS AND BEACHES AND MITIGATE SOME , JUST SOME OF THE DAMAGE ?
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
06/20/2010 5:13 PM |
I watched "Meet the Press" today
Listening to Kenneth Feinberg answering questions , really answering questions and not evading them really energized me that maybe , just maybe things will change.
Whilst their was some politicized statements about Kenneth being the new head of the "NEW" Claims facility is a bunch of HORSESH#T as ESIS is still firmly entrenched within the claims process and will still utilize the as of last week 531 "adjusters" now numbered at over 1,000 "adjusters", Worley will stay involved and more experienced adjusters , those with some actual BI experience will be employed.
Kenneth Feinberg stated himself that the process whilst dysfunctional in the beginning is steadily improving, so all the rumors of the Feds putting national Guard troops in pushing paper should be put to rest. ( AS A SIDENOTE: THE FEDS DON'T HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO DEPLOY THE NATIONAL GUARD)
I am hopeful that the many adjusters with years of experience dealing with Business Interruption and Loss of income and even those with experience in the Exxon Valdez spill in Prince William Sound in Alaska( One of my mentors worked the Exxon spill) will be able to utilize their expertise and help out some well deserving folks.
Kenneth Feinberg also was the Federal Overseer of the 9/11 fund and whilst anything on a magnitude of both of these HORRIFIC events will have inner turmoil, the 9/11 Fund was reasonably efficient and with Mr. Feinberg's straight forward attitude, I am confident that the claims process will become streamlined and efficient.IMHO
Robby Robinson
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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06/21/2010 8:56 AM |
Wow, I can only imagine what a hot spot BP is in right now. They are being pressured by Feds, so that President could save his political face on one side and on the other side there are thousands of claimants, some of who have experience some economic harm. (oh, god, are you suggesting that SOME people would want to cash in on this opportunity and get an easy check from BP????? oh, my!) . I saw some news where a bunch of whining people were telling the news crew how their gas station was making millions last year and this year it just dropped to 10k. BP, of course, is to blame for what happened, but what is really necessary is to stop this political circus and create an independent, transparent and objective claim handling process. Man, I am aching to get some BI experience from this.
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06/25/2010 11:18 AM |
Sorry for the cross post, but heres some thoughts.
The oils spill claims being processed by ESIS/ACE are under BP’s OPA 90 liability, which is self insured and RE in the overseas market. There is a limitation of liability and at that point all claims will go to the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund at the National Pollution Fund Center. BP, as all other oil transporters and producers, paid into it and I believe the yearly limit is $1 billion per incident. BP/ESIS may stay adjusting but the process is by federal statute, similar to FEMA claims.
Having adjusted environmental claims for a US based enviro insurance $25 billion dollar syndicate, with my average claim authority of $10 million for pollution claims, the present situation with adjusters seems a little strange. Only about 10% of the specialized adjusters I know have been deployed, and another 10% are working in project/response management for the SMT or contractors.
Every specialized adjusting professional should be working on this spill, however it seems they don’t want qualified adjusters that can think for themselves, their looking mostly for claims “administrators”.
Marine claims are unique, marine pollution claims are very unique. If you never adjusted a claim under a COFR, NRDA, or OSLTF, simply covering lost wages for fisherman are dull. Property damage is not being paid until the BP contractors attempt to mitigate the damage (oily boats, dirty beaches) and then they will do it under the Natural Resource Damage Assessment. There are specialized public adjusters (Adjusters International) who will work these large claims.
Some other thoughts, any company that transports or produces oil must comply with the financial responsibility laws under OPA 90 and have a certificate of financial reasonability with an approved organization. The money is guaranteed. They also pay a tax/fee to the OSLTF covers anything over their statutory limit up to the per incident amount of $1 billion. Its not like the company can go bankrupt leaving claims unpaid, the political people would like you to think that, but its not true.
Remember as Ray said, most oil spill claims will not go to litigation, once the limit of liability is reached (the legal limit) unless they can find criminal negligence, the OSLTF will pay these claims and there is no judge (I am a former State and Federal On Scene Coordinator who managed the government’s response to over $100 million in HAZMATS and Oil Spills) who will not allow the process to work, be internally adjudicated, and affirm the decision.
Finally, the cost of insuring environmental liability is always passed onto the consumer. That said, the fraud that may be committed in this will hurt all of us. Fair and reasonable settlements. I saw someone complaining they could not go out and fish and they are losing their livelihoods. They have been on the vessel of opportunity program since the start and even while sitting earning over $3k per day sitting at the dock, they want more money.
I am heading to Fla, MS, LA, and TX next week for meetings and will let you know what I see first hand.
Love to hear anything else people have.
Mark B, JD, CES, CFEI, LPI, DplM Surveying, Lloyds Accredited Environmental Surveyor
E I E I o
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
06/27/2010 1:42 AM |
Posted By m3kmfb on 25 Jun 2010 11:18 AM
Sorry for the cross post, but heres some thoughts.
The oils spill claims being processed by ESIS/ACE are under BP’s OPA 90 liability, which is self insured and RE in the overseas market. There is a limitation of liability and at that point all claims will go to the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund at the National Pollution Fund Center. BP, as all other oil transporters and producers, paid into it and I believe the yearly limit is $1 billion per incident. BP/ESIS may stay adjusting but the process is by federal statute, similar to FEMA claims.
Having adjusted environmental claims for a US based enviro insurance $25 billion dollar syndicate, with my average claim authority of $10 million for pollution claims, the present situation with adjusters seems a little strange. Only about 10% of the specialized adjusters I know have been deployed, and another 10% are working in project/response management for the SMT or contractors.
Every specialized adjusting professional should be working on this spill, however it seems they don’t want qualified adjusters that can think for themselves, their looking mostly for claims “administrators”.
Marine claims are unique, marine pollution claims are very unique. If you never adjusted a claim under a COFR, NRDA, or OSLTF, simply covering lost wages for fisherman are dull. Property damage is not being paid until the BP contractors attempt to mitigate the damage (oily boats, dirty beaches) and then they will do it under the Natural Resource Damage Assessment. There are specialized public adjusters (Adjusters International) who will work these large claims.
Some other thoughts, any company that transports or produces oil must comply with the financial responsibility laws under OPA 90 and have a certificate of financial reasonability with an approved organization. The money is guaranteed. They also pay a tax/fee to the OSLTF covers anything over their statutory limit up to the per incident amount of $1 billion. Its not like the company can go bankrupt leaving claims unpaid, the political people would like you to think that, but its not true.
Remember as Ray said, most oil spill claims will not go to litigation, once the limit of liability is reached (the legal limit) unless they can find criminal negligence, the OSLTF will pay these claims and there is no judge (I am a former State and Federal On Scene Coordinator who managed the government’s response to over $100 million in HAZMATS and Oil Spills) who will not allow the process to work, be internally adjudicated, and affirm the decision.
Finally, the cost of insuring environmental liability is always passed onto the consumer. That said, the fraud that may be committed in this will hurt all of us. Fair and reasonable settlements. I saw someone complaining they could not go out and fish and they are losing their livelihoods. They have been on the vessel of opportunity program since the start and even while sitting earning over $3k per day sitting at the dock, they want more money.
I am heading to Fla, MS, LA, and TX next week for meetings and will let you know what I see first hand.
Love to hear anything else people have.
Mark B, JD, CES, CFEI, LPI, DplM Surveying, Lloyds Accredited Environmental Surveyor
E I E I o
Well Mark
Thank you for the informative post
I was initially somewhat puzzled why Esis/Shaw through (Worley Cat)were prioritizing the deployment of minimal to zero experienced adjusters over those with significant experience and Worley says the method to their madness is to keep the bulk of their experience available should a CAT strike our shores, I believe that is part of it and I also believe the initial deployment and subsequent leveling off with around 500 or so "adjusters" was nothing more than a dog and pony show for BP to do a few things, 1) give the appearance of giving a SH#T 2) to test the waters in regards to the extent of exposure from that side of their liability.Since the heat is being turned up with all the complaints from claimants, they (Worley) have doubled the amount of adjusters to just over 1,000 in response to the criticism
Hence the reason for no real experience from the new flock as they are indeed doing claims admin and them having no prior experience in these matters, they probably won't ask too many questions as those with some BI and 3rd party liability experience would raise to much of a ruckus and question the ridiculous guidelines set forth .
Make no mistake as as of today I have 19 of my new guys working for BP and they update me almost everyday( nothing proprietary) that they are adding more and more "adjusters" every day.
The Feds claim they are taking over is really much ado about nothing as they state an independent TPA will be taking over, well it was ESIS and still is ESIS and will stay with ESIS and Worley is still the only IA firm as of yet deploying adjusters.
The big announcement was just POTUS politicizing that there is a new sheriff in town (Kenneth Feinberg) and whilst that is true , all the talk about the new claims facility handling the claims in reality is nothing more than a new field office in Florida where Mr. Feinberg will be based.
I agree their are many qualified BI adjusters and the like that are experienced in these types of claims needed when talking about marine and actual damage from the spill claims over the minimal to zero experience of those now deployed for BP
I strongly believe these experienced adjusters will be called on when either a storm hits the Gulf or more actual damage claims are received and the new folks will stay in their admin capacity
Robby Robinson
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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07/15/2010 10:15 AM |
I just read this morning that Ken "The claims czar" is trying to limit claims to 3 monthly payments and a 4th and final payment after the oil is stoped. The local AG's and Gov's on the gulf coast are in meetings with Eric Holder who is getting a earfull. Further Ken is wanting everyone to give up their right to sue in exchange for these payments. Ken should get his formal appointment as Special Master August 1st. I see a huge pile up in turn 4 coming.
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
07/15/2010 4:16 PM |
Third party claimants will be very creative with their "damages". This can be done in 4 payments IF the 4th installment is the last and good $ management on the first three installments does not put the "upsidedown" label on # 4. I also think #3 may be skipped in some cases.
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