CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
05/30/2010 10:42 PM |
Posted By Ray Hall on 02 May 2010 03:16 PM
The need for street adjusters will be several dozen or so. I think that was the top out in Alaska. No need for estimating programs, or ladders.
Hello Mr. Ray Hall
I was reading responses early on before events have played out as they have and I must say , your statement here was spot on and just one of the many reasons as to my immense amount of respect I have for you.
A gentleman by the name of Shaun Polansky made a comment on my adjuster's site a few month's back :
" The amount of industry knowledge that Ray Hall has forgotten over the year's is more than most adjuster's will ever acquire in their career's"
Of the hundred's of Worley adjuster's deployed in response to the oil spill indeed have no need for estimating program's and ladder's and the need for actual adjusting duties is practically nil .
Thank you for your efforts !!
Robby Robinson
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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06/02/2010 2:31 PM |
who knows how it's going to play out :) as of right now there's no insurance companies involved in all of this :) this may change, or may not. Swimming in sea of uncertainty is definitely a must have skill for any storm trooper. Although, I hear some vendors are gearing up for some action.
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Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
06/03/2010 6:43 AM |
ESIS is the major involved carrier
Tim Johnson
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06/03/2010 9:59 AM |
ESIS is a risk management company
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ChuckDeatonLife Member  Senior Member Posts:1110  
06/03/2010 1:27 PM |
I think it was, at one time, called Cigna/ESIS. For certain Worley has people working in Hammond, LA.
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
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06/03/2010 2:58 PM |
yeah, sitting waiting for claims could be called work.. :)
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
06/03/2010 9:11 PM |
Posted By Olegred on 03 Jun 2010 02:58 PM yeah, sitting waiting for claims could be called work.. :)
Hey Olegred Worley adjusters are sitting , but working as reps for BP pulling 7 12's Bp is self insured and Worley folks are doing advances and income loss claims for affected individuals, they are sitting in an office all day, but for what they are doing the pay is OK 450.00 a day and reimbursed up to 100.00 a day on lodging
I don't know of a particular insurer that has any environmental type adjusters or any firm with BI adjusters as of yet , although Hanover paid out 400 million on the loss of the Deepwater Horizon semi-submersible oil platform to Transocean.
I have been put on stanby with Crawford along with every other Tom Dick and Harry and got an update a few days ago in regards to my stanby status which hasn't changed, I hear Crawford is still negotiating with BP on what they will be doing.
I have also heard that Crawford has a long relationship with Transocean, but whether that has anything to do with the price of tea in China has yet to be determined
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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06/04/2010 1:54 AM |
bp is self ensured that is a fact :) unless oil gets spread by a hurricane there will be no actual claims, and even if it does, whether typical HO will cover it is a big question :) word is Crawford is going to get some action :)
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Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
06/05/2010 5:22 PM |
Part of an article I read this afternoon says, BP will be on the hook to pay out three different types of claims: bodily injury or illness, property damage, or loss of income claims. The company has spent more than $40 million so far making payments on 15,000 of the nearly 32,000 claims filed by area business owners and their workers. And the claims list just keeps growing: 510 claims adjusters are staffing 22 centers across the four states.
Tim Johnson
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06/07/2010 1:44 PM |
My sister lives in Huntsville,AL and owns a condo in Gulf Shores,AL. She was interviewed by the local TV station concerning how fast she got her loss of income check from BP. So it begins.
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
06/07/2010 9:12 PM |
I know some local salt water fishing guides, that will be taking their boats to LA. A flat $1200.00 per day from BP. Give BP a chance folks
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
06/08/2010 2:19 AM |
I don't believe for one second that BP is NOT trying to stop this and am not jumping on the bandwagon thinking BP is the AntiChrist but they can spend 50 million on a PR campaign, yet they have yet to pay over 204 boats and their Captains a dime of their promised daily rate and these guys have been laying boom and running skimmers for over 2 weeks.
Unless Uncle Billy is a liar, BP has yet to pay the umpteen million dollar cost promised to build 5 or 6 sand berms to protect some vital wetlands
So whilst the promise of a 1200.00 day rate is nice in theory, money talks and B.S. walks
Robby Robinson
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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catadjCat Adjuster  Guest Posts:24  
06/08/2010 9:28 AM |
To get a better understanding on the Claim Process you can review the claim manual.
Take Care
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06/08/2010 11:34 AM |
The State of Alabama is sending workers to help people submit claims to BP. This monster is growing every day.
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
06/08/2010 2:32 PM |
Posted By catadj on 08 Jun 2010 09:28 AM
To get a better understanding on the Claim Process you can review the claim manual.
I respectfully hand ovet the mike to you, enlighten me
Robby Robinson
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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catadjCat Adjuster  Guest Posts:24  
06/08/2010 4:32 PM |
Did you click the link, it was just provided as a FYI to this thread, it's the BP Claims Process Manual
Take Care
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ChuckDeatonLife Member  Senior Member Posts:1110  
06/09/2010 1:58 AM |
Please, please, please, buy BP products, BP needs the profit to clean up the mess in the Gulf of Mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
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06/09/2010 8:11 AM |
Figure this one out. Here in Alabama, our Gov. has set up his own BP claims offices in South Alabama. These offices are staffed by Alabama Emergency Management and Alabama National Guard troops. BP has agreed to accept and rule on these claims within 48 hours. I see some adjusters working 23 hour days or a mass of adjusters hitting the field. I'm sure the Gov's of the other Gulf States doing the same pretty soon. Our Gov's concern was "not enough people are turning in claims". The monster grows again. Check out for more info.
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06/09/2010 8:36 AM |
Coast Guard just announced they are jumping into the claims process. Is the daily rate going to jump now that the HEAT has been turned up and Obama is going back to the coast for a overnight visit? What is going to happen when the first tropical storm rolls through the Gulf? We are living claims history and just don't know it yet!! And just think, the lawyers haven't got cranked up yet.
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06/09/2010 3:53 PM |
wow, Guard is going door to door, that is something... I guess, we'll see some claims...
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