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Last Post 08/06/2010 6:19 PM by  Barneym
Gulf Oil Spill
 70 Replies
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06/09/2010 7:54 PM
This will outlast my career, unless I work as long as Ray.
I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers.
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06/10/2010 10:38 AM
"One really smart thing that Obama did was about three weeks ago he forced BP CEO Tony Hayward to put in writing that BP would pay for every dollar of the cleanup. But there isn't enough money in the world to clean up the Gulf of Mexico. Once BP realizes the extent of this, my guess is that they'll panic and go into Chapter 11."
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt

06/10/2010 11:03 AM
Rumors on the streets or email highway in the independent adjuster world are saying that BP has instructed the ONE adjusting firm assigned to handle the claims not to deploy anyone experienced in handling the Exxon Valdez oil spill claims. Please look into this and assure us that is not true and the thousands upon thousands of independent adjusters sitting at home not deployed to help are not being excluded because they have experience handling claims. That is just unimaginable and I hope proves not to be true. The numbers of people who have applied directly to ESIS and to independent adjusting firms who have heard nothing might prove what you are told when investigating this that it is a fact. Let us know please. Rumors can destroy you. Facts posted on the ever popping up response websites would be helpful. Also, I suggest you not believe one rumor that we have run out of independent adjusters available. A quick check of the number of licensed resident and non resident independent adjusters will prove this is impossible even if 10,000 are already deployed yet we hear less than 1,000 are now in the BP field claim offices.
William S Cook Public Adjuster/Umpire/Appraiser
Ray Hall
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06/10/2010 11:50 AM
I have been involved in Oil & Gas operators crude or salt water spills on a much smaller scale on stock ponds and small streams in several states and on land from blowouts and storage tanks leaks. Most third party claims are land owners or business owners and do not result in lawsuits or large fines.
The BP blowout.pollution claim is one of a life time. In 1991 Pemex had a shallow water blowout down in the bay of Campeche  and it was nothing compared to this monster. This will probably result in chapter 11 for BP. My humble opine is not one out of 100 licensed adjusters will be able to do any thing to settle with loss of income claims for years to come, or even the short term.
BP should ask Obama for permission to have a commission of lawyer,s like public defenders and the largest firms in the accounting world to loan employee,s to this task force for one or two years, and all data(gathered from the field) by a blue ribbon group of IA,s submitting the data to this commish like an appraisal board. No lawsuits. Advance payments, put fishermen to work on clean up with boats and booms and brooms. This is a national emergency disaster to the gulf coast
If Obama does not get his wonderful justice department and congress to change some laws or make some laws on this event. Just claims must be paid and not litigated.
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06/10/2010 7:00 PM
Posted By Ray Hall on 10 Jun 2010 11:50 AM
I have been involved in Oil & Gas operators crude or salt water spills on a much smaller scale on stock ponds and small streams in several states and on land from blowouts and storage tanks leaks. Most third party claims are land owners or business owners and do not result in lawsuits or large fines.
The BP blowout.pollution claim is one of a life time. In 1991 Pemex had a shallow water blowout down in the bay of Campeche  and it was nothing compared to this monster. This will probably result in chapter 11 for BP. My humble opine is not one out of 100 licensed adjusters will be able to do any thing to settle with loss of income claims for years to come, or even the short term.
BP should ask Obama for permission to have a commission of lawyer,s like public defenders and the largest firms in the accounting world to loan employee,s to this task force for one or two years, and all data(gathered from the field) by a blue ribbon group of IA,s submitting the data to this commish like an appraisal board. No lawsuits. Advance payments, put fishermen to work on clean up with boats and booms and brooms. This is a national emergency disaster to the gulf coast
If Obama does not get his wonderful justice department and congress to change some laws or make some laws on this event. Just claims must be paid and not litigated.

Hello Ray
I have a question
I have never been involved in something like this, but as others have spoken of many insurers will not cove rthe release of a toxic substance either by accident , terrorism, if a storm hits and disperses the oil however far inland, of course we will have wind damage and storm surge and the like that will be covered if folks have flood and homeowners, but if the oil contamination is an excluded peril , so I would imagine we would basically ingnore the oil damage in and of itself in much the same way we would ignore flood damage on a risk only covered with a basic HO-3 that correct ?
So , if insurers pay for x damage and exclude the oil damage , of course BP is on the hook ,but would imagine chapter 11 might become a factor if the oil was dispersed in such a way to inundate many structures.
So if BP goes that route , what remedy would the homeowner with a home contaminated in this mess , would FEMA attempt to step in with SBA loans and the like.
I also imagine many lawsuits will be filed , but if BP files for protection, who would ultimetely pay to remediate (clean this nasty),the taxpayer ? 
I have tried to find the answer , but am resigned to asking you as I know you have been through some other spills.
Robby Robinson
Hi Ray
As the case with so many other questions I have asked on CADO, I found your answer to this exact question on another thread.
                       ******GOTTA LOVE CADO************
Robby Robinson
"A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"

06/10/2010 8:13 PM
My suggestion would be to go after China for the damage. I have heard that China is looking into purchasing BP since this issue has come up. I am not sure if they want BP to get into financial distress so that they may purchase it at a reduced price or not.
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06/12/2010 6:48 PM

Posted By claims_ray on 10 Jun 2010 08:13 PM
My suggestion would be to go after China for the damage. I have heard that China is looking into purchasing BP since this issue has come up. I am not sure if they want BP to get into financial distress so that they may purchase it at a reduced price or not.

Thank you O' wise one,
You know claims_ray,
Last time I checked , you had around the same experience as me (6 years)
I am asking a legitimate question
I see how many rip apart a new adjuster for asking the same question over and over without bothering to see that the question has been answered a hundred times if they just looked at a few threads, so ok , a chide is sometimes warranted.
But when a legitimate question comes across and I even stated that I looked but could not find an answer, I get a STUPID "hey guys look at me , I just gave a totally useless response to this guy's question, "How cool am I ?"
Do you really want people to stop using these forums for people to ask questions ? DO YOU ?????
I eventually found an answer
and even edited my query to state as much,
"How many giggles did you get out of your snide remark" , " how many high 5 's ????
Grow up !!
Robby Robinson   
"A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"

06/13/2010 6:06 AM
I actually felt that my response was valid. If in fact China does purchase BP one would assume that they would also take on any debts, judgements and any other liabilities that BP would owe.

Can a foreign company file Chapter 11 in the United States?  I wouldn't think so however I am not a lawyer.

There was no mailice directed at you in my comment. I would suggest that you get a thicker skin.
Ol' Ghost

06/13/2010 10:16 AM
I've been pondering this scenario for several weeks. Given no corporation, particularly a FORIEGN corporation has a conscience other than profit, why couldn't BP move it's assets and legal home office address to a friendly offshore location that had no treaties with the U.S.? Halliburton did it, moved from Houston to the Mideast. Yes, I know the public would rise up and not buy their gasoline for about 3 weeks until they started a price war by dropping their overpriced already gas down to $0.99/gallon. This way any loyalty they have to the British investors could be maintained while abandoning their Gulf liabilities.

Please tell me I'm wrong and this could never happen. I haven't been told I'm wrong in the past 4 days and my ego is starting to swell my head.

Ol' Ghost
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06/13/2010 10:53 AM
Whether BP can do anything legally or not, in my opinion, is a moot point. BP is a large international corporation in an industry driven by unimaginable egomaniacs. My fear is that BP will get a bee up it's butt and just quit, quit and turn the whole operation over to Mr. Big Mouth Obama, and go do something else.

At the moment all of the drillers located in the Gulf are idle and incurring costs and considering alternative plans for their equipment. Hurricane season is here and a storm may be building.

Wild life cannot be saved, clean a pelican and turn it loose and it gets oiled again, clean a pelican, again, and turn it loose and it gets oiled again.

Clean a beach today, tonight it gets oiled again, clean a beach tomorrow, tomorrow night it gets oiled again.

BP bought Kevin Costner's machines, which clean 200,000 gallons of water a day, but how much water needs to be cleaned. I don't know but it is a lot.

If BP gets pissed and folds the tent who is going to pay the bill.

You and I handle their claims, who is going to pay us.
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt

08/06/2010 6:19 PM
I just read where Kenneth Feinberg, the Special Master of the BP Fund, has kicked ESIS out and appointed two firms to replace them. The firms are Garden City Group and Brown Greer. One is going to to the administration work and the other is a law firm in Virginia. Didn't say when it would be effective. BP has still not funded the Fund!
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