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/ Categories: Schools and Training

WeTrainAdjusters, part of MindCross Training, offers low-cost, no-risk  property adjuster training  that allows individuals and insurance companies access to licensing, certification and knowledge in an on-demand, learn at your own pace, quality environment. Our money back guarantee ensures that the training provides you with the knowledge you need.

SloganProviding you the best adjuster training in the industry
Contact NameScott Hutton
Address253 Skyline Trail
CityHarpers Ferry
Zip Code5425

Directory Notice !

If you had added your Business or Service to the old Directory and don't see in the new Directory you can add your updated lisiting to the new Directory.

How to add your Company to the New Directory

To add your company to the Directory you will just need to login with your user account and use the "Add Article" link you will see on this page below the banner.

Some of the listings in the old Directory could not be transferred to the new Directory due out dated content or content that could not be confirmed.


Our Directory is a free service offered to the insurance claims community that allows industry related businesses to provide information about their company, products and services that may be helpful to insurance adjusters and the claim handling industry.