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South Carolina authorization of emergency Adjusters

CADO Admin
/ Categories: DOI
South Carolina authorization of emergency Adjusters

Bulletin Number 2024-02

From the Bulletin;

" A servere wind and hailstorm produced large baseball sized hail causing significant damage to parts of South Carolina on Saturday, April 20, 2024, knocking out power to thousand of homes, causing fallen trees and damage to automobiles and homes.  Insurers are reporting thousands of claims for damages and a need for the licensing and assistance of temporary adjusters for the expeditious evaluation and resolution of the claims for South Carolina consumers. Based upon this unusual circumstance and the reports of significant property losses, this Department has determined in accordance with S. C. Code ANN. Reg. 69-1 that the licensure of temporary non-resident adjusters and motor vehicle physical damage appraisers may necessary. Adjusters and moto vehicle physical damage appraisers will be available to assis with the evaluation of claims resulting from this event for South Carolina residents immediately."

"This determination is effective immediately and will continue for 120 days from the date of this bulletin unless otherwise extended by the Department.  Individuals interested in becoming licensed as a temporary non-resident adjusters or motor vehicle physical damage appraisers may obtain the procedures and for licensure from this Department’s website at Instructions for to process emergency permits may also be found on this webpage."


A link to the complete bulletin is provided below, it is a pdf.

Photo is from the Storm Prediction Center's Storm Reports page for 4/20/24.


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