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Hawaii Declaration from the State Insurance Commissioner regarding assistance of nonresident independent adjusters due to fires across the state

CADO Admin
/ Categories: News, DOI, Fire Claims

The info below is from the Declaration Posted on Aug 9, 2023;

"Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes (“HRS”)§ 431:9-201(b), Insurance Commissioner Gordon I. Ito is issuing this declaration authorizing temporary assistance of nonresident independent adjusters due to fires across the State. The Insurance Commissioner has decided to allow nonresident independent adjusters to operate in the State temporarily to help handle the amount of work due to the fires. The Insurance Commissioner wants to ensure that adjusters and insurance companies can and will timely respond to property owners’ needs.

HRS § 431:9-201(b) allows nonresident independent adjusters to operate in Hawaii without a license for up to one-hundred-twenty days from the date of registration provided that:

  1. The nonresident adjuster provide a copy of the adjuster’s current license in another state that has licensing requirements substantially similar to HRS § 431:9-222; and
  1. Within three working days of the commencement of work by a nonresident adjuster, an insurance company, independent adjusting company, or producer that is using a nonresident adjuster shall provide on its letterhead to the Insurance Commissioner:

a. The name of the nonresident adjuster;
b. The nonresident adjuster’s Hawaii mailing and business addresses and phone numbers; and
c. The nonresident adjuster’s permanent home and business addresses and phone"


A link to the complete News Release is listed below.


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