My experience with US Staffing.
Signed up 2 years ago, jumped through all their hoops of background checks and promise of immediate work, no work, tried to sell me all their silly training and I turned them down.
Very surprised they offered me work for Gustav, accepted and off to LA.
Everything when fantastic, great carrier, lots of support, PAID VERY QUICKLY.
End of assignment, asked for work with Ike NO RESPONSE, NO RESPONSE, NO RESPONSE
Secured work with another adjusting co for Ike, US Staffing calls an hour later with work.
Explained to them I can take the assignments but I had to complete assignments from the other company first because I gave them a commitment.
Completed work with first company, started to work on US Staffing claims.
US Staffing CAT lead asks why I was working with another company and has a FIT, tells me to make a 120 mile trip to talk to him or I'm fired.
ALL claims have been contacted and scheduled, 15 have been inspected. Did not go to meeting because of scheduled inspections.
US Staffing takes away all un-inspected (scheduled) claims.
US Staffing takes away all INSPECTED claims, BUT does not tell me, or the insured, just sends a new adjuster over to a scared and confused indureds.
TOTALLY pisses off carrier
Still waiting for 5% holdback payments (9 weeks)