Tom TollModerator & Life Member  Senior Member Posts:1865  
02/18/2007 5:49 PM |
Isn't society wonderful. Too bad the maggot that did not finiish the repair and ran off with her money could not be found and strung up by his you know whats. That is truly sad and a black eye on our society. How did that one slip by all of our do gooders.
I guess people are more concerned about the Anna Nicole Smith and Brittany Spears fiascoes than they are with actual human beings.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
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HuskerCat Veteran Member Posts:762  
02/19/2007 1:33 AM |
Yes...isn't it wonderful how the neighbors "just hadn't noticed". Kinda like the old guy found dead in New York this week, and they figure he'd been dead for a year. His TV was still on, but he was mummified.
Makes me glad I live in Cornfield County.
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Gale  Member Posts:386  
03/03/2007 3:00 PM |
I received an email last week offering to pay $35 per "inspection" with measurements, diagrams, photos and a form filled out for each inspection. They offered to pay mileage also. The home office would settle the claim from there after getting all the information above.
This is an actual offer, not made up. So the price of scopers standing in line is not $50 but $35. Ray Hall is looking like he is correct on the FICUS tree coming to reality.
Charles Calvin
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Gale  Member Posts:386  
03/03/2007 4:28 PM |
Calvin, while most thought Ray Hall was correct most were hoping that not to be the case. Last week a long term vendor told me his town had dropped from 7 to 3 firms and they had less work than before so some areas must be feeling some pain while some report record years.
$35 seems very low although I had heard as low as $45 before your post. If they were grouped so you could knock out 10 a day plus mileage then you could gross 6/7 times minimum wage but if you were not sleeping in your own bed and eating two meals a day at home it would not be a get rich quick scheme without question. If you are going to have to get inside of the home then you would have to set up appointments which can take a lot of time but I guess after you turned in the report your part would be completed?
John was correct when he recently wrote, “It is a brave new claims world we are living flexible, willing to learn new ways and just roll with the changes...”
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Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
03/04/2007 9:53 AM |
To further Ray Hall's FICUS Tree theory see They sent a solicitation to my office last week.
Tim Johnson
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Gale  Member Posts:386  
03/04/2007 10:14 AM |
Tim that is wild and there will be a carrier that bites I expect.
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03/04/2007 1:08 PM |
Posted By Gale Hawkins on 03/04/2007 10:14 AM
...there will be a carrier that bites I expect.
Some policyholders would argue that they all bite...
Lee Norwood, aka "CATdawg"
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Gale  Member Posts:386  
03/04/2007 2:27 PM |
A quick Google search indicates many types of inspection companies are out there.
Register now to receive email with Home Inspection program updates and special offers. ... inspection guidelines and reporting methods as they apply to roof ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
In summary, the Four Point Insurance Inspection program is gaining in ... of the inspection and the savings benefits it provides to the insurance carrier. ... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages
The Roofing Group, has been retained by a large Midwestern based Property and Casualty Insurance Carrier to perform roof inspections prior to this year's storm season. The inspections will be performed on the Carrier's existing Texas portfolio of commercial and multi-family properties with an estimated total value of over $74 million.
about the HVAC, plumbing, electrical system and roof in a short one or two page signed document. In summary, the Four Point Insurance Inspection program is ... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages
Starting at $99
JMI Reports - Inspections
Insurance property inspections.
Web-based tracking and delivery.
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03/05/2007 11:31 AM |
Posted By Mike Kunze on 02/19/2007 1:33 AM
Yes...isn't it wonderful how the neighbors "just hadn't noticed". Kinda like the old guy found dead in New York this week, and they figure he'd been dead for a year. His TV was still on,
Interesting, this guys dead for a year, and he still has electricity. The lady in Florida is alive for the past 15 years, and she can't get electricity?! It's a funny world in which we live!
Old fishermen never die, they just smell that way.
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03/05/2007 2:28 PM |
Posted By Laine Debrow on 03/05/2007 11:31 AM
Posted By Mike Kunze on 02/19/2007 1:33 AM
Yes...isn't it wonderful how the neighbors "just hadn't noticed". Kinda like the old guy found dead in New York this week, and they figure he'd been dead for a year. His TV was still on,
Interesting, this guys dead for a year, and he still has electricity. The lady in Florida is alive for the past 15 years, and she can't get electricity?! It's a funny world in which we live!
Truer words have never been said !
ACA. Jeff "Skippy" Sizemore Florida Licensed 520
"wheres the storm at ? "
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Gale  Member Posts:386  
03/06/2007 12:16 AM |
I guess this is a good reason not to have your retirement check set up for auto deposit and your electric bill paid by automatic draft so at least someone will come looking for their money and find you dead.
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Gale  Member Posts:386  
04/22/2007 1:39 AM |
How to win by stopping!
Judge Tosses Out Lawsuit Against Former Safeco Insurance CEO
POSTED: 8:11 am PDT April 21, 2007
SEATTLE, Wash. -- A federal judge has dismissed claims that the $28 million dollar payout Republican Senate hopeful Mike McGavick received when he left Safeco Insurance Co. was fraudulent and wasteful…
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04/24/2007 12:25 PM |
I worked for a time at a mid size property company. There was a focus on decreasing IA expenses across the board. One of the things that they put into practice was "phone scoping" the loss. In other words, ask the insured questions about the damages create a scope based upon those responses. Then they would fire up xactimate and spit out an estimate, cut a check and claim closed with zero IA expense. I shudder to think how many claims may have been paid improperly, losses that may not have been covered, taking the insured's measurements. God only knows if those were correct, or even close. To this day I don't understand how you can adjust a property claim without inspecting the damage to the risk.
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MedulusModerator  Veteran Member Posts:786  
07/01/2008 3:26 PM |
Here's what I encountered recently. I assigned a claim to an IA firm. It was assigned to an adjuster who was represented to me as being very experienced. He went out and inspected the loss, took photos and submitted his report. His estimate consisted of several building related items based on "attached invoice". The contents were included in the same estimate based on "attached invoice". The Business Income Loss was included on the same estimate based on (you guessed it) "attached invoice. The whole thing was then totalled up and overhead and profit added to the whole mess. This was a $60,000.00 mistake just in the application of overhead and profit to the contents and business interruption. I searched the report for the "attached invoices" and determined that the "attached invoice" was actually a spreadsheet estimate prepared by the insured estimating what the insured thought each item would cost. There were no invoices at all as none of the work was yet completed and billed. It turned out the adjuster was new to the firm and had misrepresented his credentials. Far from having "lots of experience", he actually had no clue what he was doing. The file was immediately reassigned to someone who stepped in and did an excellent job. It turns out the original adjuster was off by approximately the amount of my annual salary. He is apparently on the job market again. I have his name written down so if I run into him on a claim again I can just tell the IA firm up front to reassign the claim.
"With great power comes great responsibility." (Stanley Martin Lieber, Amazing Fantasy # 15 August 1962)
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sbeau4014Founding Member  Member Posts:427  
07/01/2008 7:17 PM |
Steve, recommend that he check out that "international adjusting firm in CT" This adjuster and that firm may be a good match.
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HuskerCat Veteran Member Posts:762  
07/01/2008 10:59 PM |
So, Steve....did you scold the IA firm for giving that assignment to the screw-up? And are they getting a second chance even if he/she isn't? I think we've all been there on our "first" day, but at least the guy should have fessed up it was over his head & asked for your help. But, young & stupid is as young & stupid does! Forest...Forest Gump.
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MedulusModerator  Veteran Member Posts:786  
07/02/2008 11:15 AM |
I'll continue to use the firm based on the quick save by the pinch hitter they sent in. They were conned by the guy, so it wasn't their fault.
Yes, we have all had a first day, but on that first day we didn't accept a $400,000.00 commercial loss with building, contents, and business interruption and go merrily forth to adjust it without consulting anyone.
I didn't say I was black balling the guy. I'm not releasing his name. But I am also not fool enough to use an IA who hasn't even figured out you don't add overhead and profit to business income and spoiled hash browns. Claims 101 should have taught the guy that a spreadsheet is not an invoice and building, contents, and business interruption don't belong lumped together on a single estimate. The policies I deal with often have exposures over fifty million dollars. Using someone like this to adjust the claim is a recipe for disaster.
"With great power comes great responsibility." (Stanley Martin Lieber, Amazing Fantasy # 15 August 1962)
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Tom TollModerator & Life Member  Senior Member Posts:1865  
07/02/2008 12:25 PM |
Steve, I have found that our new generation adjusters just don't want to ask questions and don't want to admit they don't know what they are doing. Parenting, 101. I taught my children to ask, ask, and ask, in order to learn. I have done it all my life and will continue to do so till I die. Your right, the vendor should not be penalized for a mistruth from an IA. Sounds like you got the bull they the horns on this one and glad it worked out for you. Business Interruption is not something a newbie should attempt to tackle.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
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07/02/2008 11:50 PM |
I think it is great you are not penalizing the company but, one would sure hope since this guy was new to the firm and until he proved himself, a supervisor should have looked at his work and caught the screw up before it went to you.
Gimme a bottle of anything and a glazed donut ... to go! (DLR)
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