Adjuster Estimates

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Last Post 10/11/2009 10:13 AM by  Ol' Ghost
Health Insurance and the Adjuster
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Ol' Ghost

10/10/2009 11:20 PM
Thank you, Ed, for prompting our next poetic offering that references the example in your last paragraph.


There was once a lady who lived in a shoe,
She had so many children she didn't know what to do,
So she replaced her porch light with one colored red,
And made a good living right there in her bed.

Would you consider this yet another instance of successful capitalism wherein supply rises to meet a need without government interference?

Ol' Ghost
Ed Bailey

10/11/2009 9:06 AM

Yea Ol Ghost.

If she made her bed, she should have to to lie in it. The problem with that is there are two things in the air of that bedroom that can get her pregnant again. Her feet.

The problem is the bed, not her. We can fix that. Stack ten mattresses on top of each other. At the top, she'd pray not to fall. This might remind her to kneel beside it occasionally too. Soul searching there might help to put her back on her feet.

If not, she needs something bigger than a pea between the mattresses. I'm thinking........ a watermelon. That should make her uncomfortable enough to put her back on her feet.


Ol' Ghost

10/11/2009 10:13 AM

Good Morning, Ed. In our economic example here, Our Lady of Capitalism has started a small business without government aid and has become quite self sufficient. Business has thrived, income is up, she has moved her operations to more sumptious surroundings and the kids are enscounced in prefferred schools with generous allowances. She is happy with her progress in life from a government aided existence to self sufficiency and now philanthropic pursuits. Being one of the Catholic faithful, the additional offspring seems to fulfill her spiritually and besides, public figures like Octomom and Kate Gosslien with their broods justifies in her mind the large family concept.

The question stands, do we as the body politic wish to provide a more collective controlled society for the likes of Ms Lady of Capitalism or do we wish to let one rise or fall based on the free independence of the individual? That is the basis of the current health debate. In a 'free capitalistic' society some must sicken and die if they cannot pay for medical repairs to their bodies. In a 'controlled society', one can sicken but the body politic will provide the medical repairs and perhaps delay death for a while.

Being a 'free independent' the nice lady now has the money to pay for her own medical expenses, whereas before she was a ward of the state. Setting aside the legalities and moralities for a moment, has she not fulfilled the classic American Capitalistic Dream and is now no longer a burden on the body politic? If only we all could start a successful business, we too could stand tall and independent. Ya know, I got an idea just now. I think I'm gonna start a small business providing professional services to insurance companies during catastrophes doing property adjusting traveling all around the country. I bet I could then make a whole lot of money and be a beacon of hope to all I meet.

Ol' Ghost

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