Leland Advanced Member Posts:741  
01/28/2011 10:25 AM |
Let's start a list of items missing from Xactimate.
If Xactimate people check this website they can use our list to improve the software. If not, someone can forward the list.
For the first item i would like to suggest:
1) Sheet metal enclosures for water heaters. (These are the galvanized metal boxes on the outside of the house that enclose water heaters.) I have two claims with this item needing replacement and as far as I can tell it is not in Xactimate. Many, many houses have this item.
Please contribute your item to the list.
01/28/2011 10:47 AM |
Roof dormer vents - the metal ones. I know you can use off ridge vents, but that isn't the same item.
01/28/2011 12:26 PM |
How about simplifying the program. There could be a lot of steps simplified to speed up the estimate writing process. I have always felt that the program wasn't written by folks that have ever adjusted a claim. This is not met to be disrespectful. But simple is always better as long as it fulfills the operation. To many bells and whistles always compounds and allows for additional mistakes to be made. We have enough things that are exacerbated by changing policy from someone who thinks it would be better to do it a different way. i am always for the "KISS" method.
01/28/2011 12:30 PM |
if you are going to get that added to the list have them also add waterheater strapping to secure the waterheater to the wall. Also the water overflow tube coming off the top of waterheater. i believe it is code to have these tubes installed.
Leland Advanced Member Posts:741  
01/28/2011 1:18 PM |
water heater strapping is in there: PLM WHSS
Jud G. Advanced Member Posts:509  
01/28/2011 1:42 PM |
Xactware has a feedback department and they've responded to my requests in the past when newer versions were created. In light of your constructive intent, I encourage you to log in and submit necessary changes to Xactware's eService Center.
Jud G. Advanced Member Posts:509  
01/28/2011 2:11 PM |
MSB and Simsol were written by people who have adjusted claims, yet the organizational structure of those two programs is very different. I've realized that no approach is right or better than another, its up to the user to make proper use of the program and demonstrate their ability to adapt.
I've been a long time user of MSB and had many nights where I was ready to throw my computer out the window because Xactimate just didn't suit me and/or my preferences. I finally buckled down and attended several seminars, read manuals to figure out this behemoth program. One user once told me that you need to learn how to "think Xactimate". To make sure you are grasping and retaining the content of these courses earn one of at least seven Xactimate Certifications that they provide.
For everything you do in Xactimate, there is at least one (1) other way to access or complete a task (data transfer, add a line item, create a room, create an ITV file, etc.). Instantly, I can think of eight (8) different ways to add a line item to an estimate. I've been an MSB user for eight (8) years (Xactimate for three) and can only think of two (2) ways, at best, to add a line item in an MSB estimate.
This point demonstrates Xactimate's overwhelming flexibility. I realize you and others would call this complication, but once you are familiar with the methods and can think Xactimate, creating an estimate with it becomes very effiicent.
Xactimate has been designed to cater to a magnitude of varying opinions/approaches regarding the presentation of a loss that suits any given user. This allows the user to effectively communicate a recommended price for a given scope of repairs. You don't have to know all eight ways to create a line item in your estimate, but you will learn at least two (2) common methods- perhaps three (3)- of doing so in any basic Xactimate course.
...I just recalled a ninth (9th) method; Project Merge.
Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
01/29/2011 11:19 AM |
Lets assume you have an explosion loss on a large University property with 10 buildings damaged, the whole operations would have new expense to continue to function as normal. New access to parking lots, new police for traffic control, new 24 hour security for short times for off duty police, students and labors. You are the clerk of the works, rental tools coming and going short term and long term. The offshore underwriter has placed $2 mil. in a trust account to pay all expense when incurred and a W-9 for each person and the SS # must be submitted by the COW to the underwriter each day. Can this be done in xmate , with accurate-exact area descriptions?
hostCatAdjuster.org Founder Posts:709  
01/29/2011 12:21 PM |
Some claims require more than just an estimate and estimating software should not be used as a catch-all for all types of losses.
Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
01/29/2011 6:54 PM |
How about the floors of base cabinets, are they in there??
Tim Johnson
Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
01/29/2011 8:03 PM |
How about using roof mastic to re-stick wind lift cpmp.shingles. Whole roof per square, and 1/2 roof per square. (contractors will not give this price out)
Leland Advanced Member Posts:741  
01/29/2011 10:48 PM |
Mr. Johnson: regarding cabinets damaged by water- Xm8 has re-skin toe kick which would be to put a matching piece of veneer over the toe kick but it isn't actually for replacing the toe kick. There is no line item for replacing the toe kick alone even though this is often done after water losses. Your question is a similar one- sometimes the floor of the cabinet is the only thing replaced, or maybe the toe kicks and also the floor of the sink cabinet. Most of the time I think estimators just use FNC CAB or CAB LAB, but maybe these common tasks should have their own separate line items.
Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
01/30/2011 9:20 AM |
Yes, I have always figured a sheet of plywood, FNC labor and a bit of stain
Tim Johnson
01/30/2011 12:35 PM |
Check the current price list and there is now a code under CAB to replace the 1x4 toe kick that is secondary to the re-skin code , another option I have used is FNC 1x4 with the footage needed.
Estimating is living on the edge between greed and fear
01/31/2011 3:38 PM |
Xactware has a pricing specific email for these types of requests - it's pricing@xactware.com I sent them an email on some of these and pasted feedback below. A couple were new and others they'd looked at already. Not sure what type of timeframe the future ones have - if more people tell them about it it'd probably be quicker. Sheet metal enclosures for water heaters - "we'll research these for possible inclusion in a future pricing update" Roof dormer vents (metal ones) - "we'll research these for possible inclusion in a future pricing update" Floors of base cabinets - "CAB TK Toe kick - pre-finished wood - 1/2" for replacing a toe kick" Roof mastick to restick wind lift cmp. shingles - "We looked at this and researched roofing contractors and many would not perform these type of repairs and those that did would not guarantee it. The ones that did do it would not give out pricing but would do it as an hourly charge, bid only, or minimum charge if it were small enough"
Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
01/31/2011 6:20 PM |
If exactimate will not put in a price for resticking shingles that may be "unsealed by wind"...... what would make a jury think any of their "measurable units and price "guides" should be used as the fair standard, mandated by many insurance carriers staff along with IA Adjusters, contractors and others who estimate property loss claims using the "only" fair estimating program?
Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
01/31/2011 6:33 PM |
Wind lift is now a scope item in windstorm losses. The industry must address this scope. If the carriers would hire the roofer direct and stand behind the roofers work, waive the wind deductible, these losses would be like cracked windshields and billions can be saved nationwide.
hostCatAdjuster.org Founder Posts:709  
02/01/2011 8:50 AM |
The debate is still on going but it sounds like you feel that "Wind Lift" is always damage, if that is the case then why don't you use the term "wind damage" or just damage instead?
02/01/2011 11:35 AM |
Ray, I know you have looked at more of these Ike claims than I have, but the ones I saw all had fine line cracks in the layer of granules at the top of the exposed shingle just below the bottom of the shingle above it. Sometimes I had to press my thumb down near the line and apply pressure to expose it. A few close ups of these cracks and a sufficient count justified slope replacement without mentioning the seal failure. How can you tell "wind lift" seal failure from just mfg seal failure like poor mastic composition or too much storage time before installation. I know Ike areas were widely exposed to hurricane winds, but other areas of the country have seal failure and they are not all from "wind lift". When I go to the various annual carrier meetings, I always ask about seal failure. A few with exposure on the coast consider it as damage, but most don't.
Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
02/01/2011 12:49 PM |
I was in the Haage class many years ago and it seems I learned some bad myths about visable wind damage. I have inspected several thousand roofs for wind/hail damage and have seen all types of shingles in all age brackets with wind velocity confimed and hail hits observed, with all of that ,lets do a hypo composition roof.
Some netural person looks at a comp. roof insalled with the best material and workmanship the day before gale force winds are predicted, and finds the entire roof in very good condition for a 5 year installation.
The same person inspects the roof after the gale or 70 MPH wind gust pass and finds about 25% of all the 3 tabs shingles are now unsealed. A reasonable person would have to conclude the shigles were blown up but not broken /creased by the force of the wind. Thousands of engineers, adjusters and 95% homeowners will agree the tabs can be restuck by hand using mastic.
Thousands of contractors, public adjusters , lawyers and about 5% of the homeowners will say the roof needs total replacement. It seems exactimate has the reserch needed to determine the fair price for an excellant contractor to clean (1) large cloth lamp shade with heavy soot.
Randy, you were looking at direct wind damage if the comp. shingle was creased, broken or missing. As claim adjusters we need to think of four words in this order 1. disturbed 2. damaged 3.repair 4 .replace.