Adjuster Estimates

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Last Post 09/09/2012 12:26 AM by  CatAdjusterX
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08/25/2012 11:16 PM

Latest update pushes the track ever more westward and is now calling for a CAT 2 with a landfall close to the Florida Alabama border.


It appears that Isaac may have a few suprises for us yet...

"A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"
Amarillo Adjuster

09/01/2012 10:22 AM
It looks like Isaac might be a dude. The estimated damage to the Superdome is $100,000. That is like a shingle being blown off your house. There may be some flood work but it will be 2 or 3 weeks before the water is pumped out enough for the people to return and then turn in a claim. I'll bet the adjusters called in to be in New Orleans yesterday are just thrilled. "here's two files, have a nice day".
K ung Fu tzu

09/02/2012 7:22 AM

Posted By Dinosaur on 01 Sep 2012 10:22 AM
It looks like Isaac might be a dude. The estimated damage to the Superdome is $100,000. That is like a shingle being blown off your house. There may be some flood work but it will be 2 or 3 weeks before the water is pumped out enough for the people to return and then turn in a claim. I'll bet the adjusters called in to be in New Orleans yesterday are just thrilled. "here's two files, have a nice day".

From what I understand on the grapevine, you may be correct.

09/06/2012 6:38 PM

Could what was once Isaac become another storm again?   Perhaps... Isaac JUNIOR?    Either way, what was originally Isaac has caused the old deploy/go home situation for hundreds of adjusters.  

How many people packed up and headed to the Gulf Coast to handle Isaac claims, spent the money for fuel, lodging, etc to set up shop... then get told that the claim volume is not sufficient to support that level of staffing.

How many quit the jobs that they were working to chase the dream again, only to be disappointed... again?

Just wondering.....


09/06/2012 8:05 PM
For interest. The remained of Isaac split in two pieces the large piece when of the the NE. The small piece has drifted south, and as it was not the largest piece it would get a new number and name.
I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers.
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

09/06/2012 10:01 PM
Posted By SteveZ on 06 Sep 2012 06:38 PM

Could what was once Isaac become another storm again?   Perhaps... Isaac JUNIOR?    Either way, what was originally Isaac has caused the old deploy/go home situation for hundreds of adjusters.  

How many people packed up and headed to the Gulf Coast to handle Isaac claims, spent the money for fuel, lodging, etc to set up shop... then get told that the claim volume is not sufficient to support that level of staffing.

How many quit the jobs that they were working to chase the dream again, only to be disappointed... again?

Just wondering.....


Hi Steve,

I am troubled that what happened prior to Irene last year was repeated yet again with Isaac, firms deploying adjusters PRIOR to landfall and in BOTH cases vast amounts of IA's were told sorry not enough claims see ya!!! With Irene, I saw this with a few low rent IA firms. However this year with Isaac, I saw a few well respected IA firms do the same thing. With Isaac, I saw Mariposa deploying adjusters ahead of Isaac in Alabama. Now in defense of Mariposa, I don't know the end result of whether those adjusters saw any work or any day rate to sit and wait.

Nevertheless, I have always felt Allcat to be a well respected IA firm and those deployed through Allcat handling USAA claims to be very good adjusters.

To hear that Allcat was deploying adjusters to somewhere in Texas for orientation at first glance seems SOP. To hear that those adjusters some who flew in were told by USAA that they never took Allcat of off standby and have no idea why these adjusters were there, blows my mind. Apparently Allcat rolled the dice and pulled the trigger with deploying IA's prior to USAA go ahead. Seems like Allcat was worried about numbers promised to USAA. Mistakes happen, yet these guys were stiffed, no compensation. Again, I can understand this type of crap from low rent IA firms, but Allcat?  

"A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"
K ung Fu tzu

09/08/2012 6:18 PM

There does appear to be an increasing demand (obsession) from the IA firms that one attend any number of 'orientations'.  It's more of a trickle-down requirement originating from the carriers who send reps to the orientations just to see how many adjusters a particular firm can have onsite. 

I'm not exactly sure what the answer is;  orientations can be a good place to network, share information and get some expectation material. But seriously, who hasn't received a packet of info at an orientation only to have requirement changes sent out the next day via email?  In in the case of Irene or Isaac, it's a waste of resources costing adjusters a bunch of money.  Especially the newbies who are anxious to get work. The experienced folks are usually already working and I rarely get called into an orientation anymore.

My advise for newbies and those unsure that if there is the slightest question as to the potential of the storm, just sit tight and wait it out.

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

09/09/2012 12:26 AM
Posted By K ung Fu tzu on 08 Sep 2012 06:18 PM

There does appear to be an increasing demand (obsession) from the IA firms that one attend any number of 'orientations'.  It's more of a trickle-down requirement originating from the carriers who send reps to the orientations just to see how many adjusters a particular firm can have onsite. 

I'm not exactly sure what the answer is;  orientations can be a good place to network, share information and get some expectation material. But seriously, who hasn't received a packet of info at an orientation only to have requirement changes sent out the next day via email?  In in the case of Irene or Isaac, it's a waste of resources costing adjusters a bunch of money.  Especially the newbies who are anxious to get work. The experienced folks are usually already working and I rarely get called into an orientation anymore.

My advise for newbies and those unsure that if there is the slightest question as to the potential of the storm, just sit tight and wait it out.


Well said,

as it relates to our newly licensed brethren, as you stated they are very excited at the notion they are getting deployed. That excitement whilst warranted does cloud their judgement and they ignore most attempts to utilize discretion and sit and wait. Unfortunately , most rookies will roll the dice. So with that being said, at the very least I think that the new folks when asked to deploy should inquire as to will there be a day rate to "predeploy?" Will I be compensated to offset any costs should there be not enough claims for those who deployed?

Simply put, KNOW BEFORE YOU GO folks!! As we with a bit of experience are aware, most expenses are borne unto us regardless of work or no work. I have had a few deployments where we were given anywhere from $500.00 to $1,500.00 to get to the storm site or offered an advance. Nevertheless, I wouldn't think those costs or an advance would be offered to untested adjusters, but it doesn't hurt to ask 

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