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Last Post 02/14/2009 7:08 PM by  okclarryd
XM8 code for Powerwashing a roof
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02/14/2009 12:19 AM
    What is the XM8 code for powerwashing a roof? 
    Less years ago than I'd like to admit, Ray Hall asked this outlandish question with all the seriousness of a Texan full of our state's most abundant resource.  Polished to a dull sheen with my second XM8 class, I shot back a quick answer and then felt the bullet in my own foot.   It wasn't the first time one of Trader's  questions sent me on a long quest to fill some hole in my knowledge which he had revealed with his wit and unique way.  It wasn't the last, either!
    Good men give others fish to feed them for a day.  Great men teach others to fish and feed them for a lifetime.  Ray Hall has taught a lot of people to fish!  A few years ago I was one of many wannabe adjusters with a $400 dollar license and some expertise in construction.  Others ignored me as best they could, but Ray would teach me a bit of this....a bit of that when he found a rare opening in my thick skull.
    Today, my wife and I are doing pretty well in this industry.   A lot of people have helped Debbi and me along the way, but few more than Ray Hall.  His name comes up repeatedly in discussions with my adjuster friends.  "Ray Hall said this!  Ray Hall said that!" 
    My wife and I are sorry to hear about Ray's new battle, but we are so proud to call him friend and mentor.  Even today, Trader continues to help new adjusters and old.   Our prayers are that he meets this new challenge, standing tall... as is his way. 
    Randy and Debbi Cox 

    02/14/2009 10:18 AM
    I got started in this business over twenty years ago when I started writing a program to manage an insurance repair cost database to be the basis for an estimating system.  Lack of sales of the estimating software led my partners and I to become cat adjusters and eventually the estimating software company morphed into a independent adjusting company.  I found this web site in 1996.  I left the claims business in 1999 to concentrate on my computer services business, but stuck a toe back in '04 when every one was out on storms and claims needed to be done here in Hampton Roads, VA.  I now do both computer services and day-to-day claims here in Virginia.
    In my various roles in this industry, software developer, cat adjuster, vendor president/manager of a company running 40 adjusters, proprietor of a micro-adjusting company (me and 1 part time staff), I have talked to, and been talked at, by literally hundreds of adjusters.  Many of these claimed to be great adjusters, some may even have been.  A few of them I would put my name on their work, most I wouldn't let work for me, and once in a great while, I would stumble across someone who was obviously a library of claims knowledge, and would share it by teaching it to the other adjusters.  Most of the "great" adjusters I met are too busy telling you how great they are, how much money they make, and, By God, how large and shiny their belt buckles are, to even learn the things the really great adjusters pass on to their brethren.
    It was obvious from when Trader first appeared on this board, that he was library of claims knowledge, and he doled it out in very interesting ways.  I have probably learned more from Ray Hall on this board than from any other adjuster I have never met face to face.  We have exchanged a few emails about computers and software, and I pray that I helped Ray learn something as well.  Ray is an asset this site can never replace.
    My wife was a chemotherapy nurse for over ten years, before my computer geekdom wore off on her and now she trains her oncology practice on their electronic medical records system.  I am quite familiar with what Ray and the people who care about him face.  If there is anything this computer nerd/claims adjuster can do to help Trader or those that care about him, please let me know.
    Best wishes for a speedy and successful treatment Ray.
    Jeff Goodman
    Tom Toll
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    02/14/2009 10:45 AM
    Very good write, Jeff. Yes, Ray has helped many adjusters here and in the field. His trappings can really screw you up if your not careful, but those trappings have an intent to make you think on your own. Having gone through the cancer scare myself, and so far, being a survivor of colon cancer, I empathize with Ray. He will overcome this problem, I have no doubt, as he is strong willed like I am and that is a big part of recovery.
    If your religious, pray for him and if your not, think of him.
    We have had the fortune of having several good adjusters on CADO that have been free with their help and advice. Most got all twisted up when newbies started asking newby questions, but people like Ray stuck with it, remembering he once was a newby too, just like all of us have been. January the 7th, 1961 is when I started with Southern Farm Bureau Casualty. I have never forgotten how frightening it was to work my first claims and I am sure this has stuck in Ray's mind also. I never forgot those who went out of their way to help me and I am sure Ray has not either. I have only known Ray for about 15 years, but consider him to be a great friend, as many others do. Right now I am sure he wants no one feeling sorry for him but would appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers during this time of difficulty.
    Thank you Jeff for taking time to make your post.

    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    02/14/2009 7:08 PM
    I would like to thank you both for sharing your friendship with Ray.

    I've never had the fortune to meet him but have certainly enjoyed his postings here. And will continue to do so.

    I can testify to the power of prayer and assure you, Ray, that you are in my prayers and thoughts.

    Happy Trails, Trader
    Larry D Hardin
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