Welcome and congratulations on getting your license and starting young.
This career can be difficult to get started and the people in this forum is brutal to new guys many times.
OK one thing off the bat, understand that being an IA (independent adjuster) is being a business owner. You have a license now to legally conduct business as an adjuster, but that's like having a business license and you are a baker. You still have to develop your product (you), grow your customer base (get on rosters), and network with other adjusters.
I'm not sure if you are wanting to become a property or auto adjuster, but as an auto adjuster I'd start out looking up local auto appraisal companies (local as in regional or in the state) and asking them if you can take photos for them. I assume that same tactic would work with property companies as well.
Seriously, start cold calling. Be professional, be honest about your inexperience and find people who are willing to work with you.
If you want to talk more specifics I'd happily help you as much as I can with advice specific to you. Email Chris@IAPath.com if you want to set up a call.
Also, connect to me on LinkedIn (Chris Stanley) and I'd recommend connecting to Jason Heenan, he helps guys get started in the property arena. If you don't have a LinkedIn get one. Great tool for growing your network as an IA without all the drama of Facebook.
Good luck on your journey