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Last Post 02/07/2010 4:02 PM by  Ray Hall
Insurance Adjuster Kills Pet Deer
 5 Replies
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02/06/2010 1:16 PM

    Brandon Eugene Gregory pleaded guilty in August to a felony charge of taking a wildlife resource without landowner consent, and was sentenced Thursday to 18 months in state jail.  In November 2008 Gregory jumped the fence at the Bear Creek Wildlife Park in West Houston and was charged by "Mr Buck" when he was about 15 feet away.  He said that after the deer pinned him to the ground with his antlers, he stabbed the animal with a knife. He later used the knife and a bone saw to sever the deer's head.  The head was later found in his freezer.  Gregory was gored in his thighs and buttocks.

    Gregory's attorney argued that the young man should be placed on deferred adjudication to save him from a felony conviction that will void his license as an insurance adjuster, and noted that, except for knifing a penned deer, Gregory did something Texans do “hundreds of thousands of times every year. He killed a deer.”

    Gregory hiked through several hundred yards of dense brush, cut through the park's chain-link fence, and then used a bolt cutter to get through the gate that enclosed Mr. Buck.  The deer had physical problems that kept wildlife managers from releasing him to the wild.  “Had Mr. Buck been healthy, Mr. Gregory would not have made it out of that pen alive.”


    02/06/2010 8:07 PM
    Posted By ddreisbach on 06 Feb 2010 01:16 PM

     He later used the knife and a bone saw to sever the deer's head.  The head was later found in his freezer. 


    Yep, thats probably what got him.  The bolt cutters didn't help either.

    I know the voices aren't real, but sometimes they're right!

    02/07/2010 1:22 AM
    It all goes to intent. Based on the bone saw and bolt cutters I would assume that his intent was to kill the animal and take a trophy. He probably didn't take a gun because he didn't want to make noise and alert anyone. He probably assumed that this animal was docile and could just walk up and cut it's throat.
    This guy got what he deserved.

    02/07/2010 1:43 AM

    Well I can't say I am sorry to see he got jail time. It's one thing to hunt for meat but for financial gain of probably going to sell the head he got the real point of what he did wrong. I have a problem w/ people who take advantage of animals like that and I am an avid hunter. people like him give a lot of hunters and decent people bad names in the eyes of animal lovers.

      I just wonder what kind of claim work he did????? HHHMMMMM it's gotta make you wonder.


    02/07/2010 1:59 AM
    He has no license information on the Texas Dept. of Ins. site. His information should still be on there if he ever had a license in Texas.
    Ray Hall
    Senior Member
    Senior Member

    02/07/2010 4:02 PM

    auto repossesion people are some time referred to as :adjusters(credit)....

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