Hey Catwoman!
(what an appropriate name for the turn this particular thread has taken!!)
I agree with you totally!
I decided not to address the crass and callous words of that Neanderthal who insulted at least half of the world's population because I knew that if I got into a "rock throwing match" with him I'd only sink to his level.
But when others stepped up and refused to ignore his insulting and ignorant words, that although directed at me, took a shot at everyone, man and woman in the industry, it showed him that his sexist and crude remarks will not be tolerated. Maybe he thought he was going to get a good laugh or get applauded by the "good ole boys", but this showed him that the mentality he is coming from isn't here, and that we respect each other here.
I realize there are those out there who share his backward, ignorant and prejudice attitude but I have been blessed enough to only run into them rarely, and I find they are the exception rather than the rule, thank goodness! In today's world its not only inappropriate to insult someone's ability because of their gender, but its a ridiculous notion to think that gender limits one's ability in any way. (well except for a few things, childbirth being one notable exception! LOL)
Given the seriousness and complexity of the job we share, whether it be in the office, on the roof, punching the keyboard or any other of the myriad of big and little details that comprise this especially complicated industry, I find I'm always heartened, encouraged, educated and enlightened by this group of adjusters I'm proud and honored to call my friends and colleagues. I've found that I've been accepted and respected because of the contribution I make regardless of gender, hair color, eye color, what I had for lunch or any other irrelevant detail.
We're all up for a good joke but when anyone takes a shot at the industry or one of us in particular, they take a shot at all of us, and I once again thank each one of you who saw fit to stand up and say NO!