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Last Post 03/15/2007 11:43 PM by  Janice R. Martin-Toll
Thanks for the help...I got my first job
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03/09/2007 3:34 PM


    I appreciate all the comments on my previous post, which is now locked for some reason.  I just want to say thank you to all who offered advice.  I was called today by The Farmers.  They want me to go to Tuscaloosa, AL to work tornado claims.  I've never worked a claim but my cousin is coming to help so hopefully we can figure it out together.  Any one know where I can buy a license to adjust stuff in AL?  How bout the night life?  Any good drinkin' holes in Tuscaloosa? Again to everyone who gave advice on my previous post, thank you...I guess this site really does work!!!


    03/09/2007 8:53 PM
    Which Farmers called you? Farmer John & Farmer Brown? Or did Farmers Insurance call you direct?
    No one is absolutely worthless, at the very least you can serve as a bad example.
    Gold Member

    03/09/2007 9:13 PM
    Posted By John234 on 03/09/2007 3:34 PM


    I appreciate all the comments on my previous post, which is now locked for some reason.  I just want to say thank you to all who offered advice.  I was called today by The Farmers.  They want me to go to Tuscaloosa, AL to work tornado claims.  I've never worked a claim but my cousin is coming to help so hopefully we can figure it out together.  Any one know where I can buy a license to adjust stuff in AL?  How bout the night life?  Any good drinkin' holes in Tuscaloosa? Again to everyone who gave advice on my previous post, thank you...I guess this site really does work!!!

    Hang on, Mr. Glasgow, Let me get my boots on, its gettin real deep in here!

    Apparently the Farmers that have called you are calling you to shovel the stuff, coz your BS ain't flying here.

    Do the right thing, ALWAYS

    03/10/2007 12:21 AM
    Here in the Bluegrass state we we have a very special label and classification for people like John234 Glasgow. Simply stated he is " Full of sh** as a Christmas turkey "
    Mark S Garland
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    03/10/2007 2:54 AM
    I think everyone has had their fun on this one, and to the delight of the initial poster.  Thank you Mr Glasgow (or whoever you are) for your prank!!  All you forgot to do is begin your post with "once upon a time"....
    Gold Member

    03/10/2007 9:18 AM

    The Farmers and The Bankers and the Politicians have just called me and as soon as my cousin teaches me how, I'm going to be President!   I'm not quite sure how yet, but it can't be that hard, can it?????  Gee, it's good to dream, huh!

    Actually, I'd rather be in the mountains, on an inner tube floating down the river with my friends,  watching the trees and sky pass by, enjoying a beautiful summer day, but that ain't happening either!!!!!!!  (Least not today!)

    So, good luck to all those who have dreams, hope they all come true, but just be careful what you wish for, You just might get it!!!!!!!!!!!  LOL!!!!!!!!

    Do the right thing, ALWAYS

    03/11/2007 3:18 AM
    Okay, let's assume that I was just joking, teasing, or whatever on my previous posts. Let's also assume that I am an adjuster with several years experience in cat, daily, staff, etc. I enjoy my job, I honestly do...what I do not enjoy are the thousands of experienced adjusters that decide to inform their cousin, brother, neighbor, homeless guy on the street how much money they make every day and how easy it is to do so. Fellow adjusters....your job is not easy...your day is sixteen hours long. Do everyone a favor and if a friend asks how to get into the industry, tell them to take one of the many classes offered by the major vendors. Let them sink or swim. Is it just me or have you noticed that for every storm you work this year or last, there are a thousand newby adjusters ready to take your place as soon as you get tired. Why do you think that staff and daily adjusters hate us so much? Because it's getting to the point that alot of us can't actually do our job because we started in 2005 after Katrina. We did a few claims and then called ourselves adjusters. What do we have to offer for the most part but warm bodies? If we are to truly come together in some kind of forum, how about the mission be to not let the unqualified in. If you know someone who cuts grass for a living, how about you don't waste your time to explain how easy it is to become an adjuster, as many people have worked many years to get where people expect start out after a phone call from you, thier friend and a class from TX. Anyone who dissagries, I will be holding an adjuster/xactimate/haag/tx license/and general how to get rich class next month. Who wants to sign up? I know most of you are calling me names by the time you read this far, but I feel that if we don't change something our industry will turn into one of vendor classrooms, books, online courses, etc. and no actual work. Good luck this year to everyone. -Anonymous

    03/11/2007 3:29 AM

    the solution is very simple. Vendors and companies need to give a tinkers darn about who they deploy an not be willing to accept (deploy) every warm body they can drag out of the local 7/11. As usual some care and try to control, others just want to move numbers and make money with no concern for the policy holder. If we get hammered again this year, they same sad thing will happen.
    I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers.
    Gold Member

    03/11/2007 1:00 PM


    I think the whole point of your posts is idiotic, and shows me the mindset that you're working from. 

    I don't know any adjuster who would tell anyone that the job is easy.  I don't know any adjuster who is out recruiting unqualified people.  The influx of the "3 day wonders" came because there was a need by the carriers to have  representation.  No one has ever said that the majority of these people were qualified. 

    There may have been a wave of thought during that time that being a cat adjuster was the ticket to overnight success and riches, but once again I stress that NO  Real ADJUSTER  represented that.  The ones who may have represented that were not ADJUSTERS, those were the 3 day wonders.  They are the ones who managed to slip in under the wire, made several inspections and got a handful of money and thought they hit the big time.

    What kind of joke is it for you to make these kinds of posts?  Obviously you're not working being an ADJUSTER because you have too much time on your hands to think up this kind of nonsense. 

    And let me be the first one to thank  you for your brilliant insight into how we in the industry should represent ourselves.  Gosh, I'm sure no one ever had thought of telling someone who's interested in doing this to get an education, read and learn all they can, be mentored by an experienced adjuster and that cat adjusting is NOT an easy road or a quick get rich scheme. 

    If you'd taken the time to read anything in the archives you'd realize that numerous adjusters have told the new people to seriously consider the entire picture before they "quit their day job" and chase the storms and the dream of the illusive financial gain. 

    Gosh, what a novel idea.  Too bad you didn't start the John Glasgow school of adjusting years ago.  First you act like some sort of idiot and then you try to come back with a modicum of logic and think that your sage words will revolutionize the industry?  You think that you're saying something new?  All of a sudden you go from someone who "doesn't know how to inspect but together you and your cousin will figure it out" to someone who states you're experienced and love your job and say "WE" when you talk about the adjusting industry?????  Please, spare us your little games.  Your little game has lost any respect you might have gained had you made thoughtful, intelligent posts in the first place.

    Gee....Just makes me think, "Where's Kevin, John or Jim when you need them?"  LOL!!!!!!

    Do the right thing, ALWAYS

    03/11/2007 10:50 PM
    Thank you Meg! Very well said. Mr. Glasgow, take the advice you have been given, You can not fool people that work in this industry. Your effort to try to save face from your last lashing, only showed your the level of your mentality. It is in NO WAY easy, and you just don't muddle through it.
    Founding Member

    03/11/2007 11:41 PM
    If these posters , who proclaim their knowledge, interest, compassion and integrity, would but take a long walk off a short pier, we would all be better off.
    "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new... Albert Einstein"

    03/12/2007 1:08 AM
    I could care less about saving face, and by no means am I trying to in this post. Merely speaking what I feel to be true. If you don't like it, I'm sure Meg will conjure up several more paragraphs to the contrary for you to read.
    Gold Member

    03/12/2007 10:13 AM
    Posted By John234 on 03/12/2007 1:08 AM
    I could care less about saving face, and by no means am I trying to in this post. Merely speaking what I feel to be true. If you don't like it, I'm sure Meg will conjure up several more paragraphs to the contrary for you to read. [/quote]

    Well, John, Since you asked for it..... (I can't quite match Lee's articulate answers but I will give this my best shot)


    Please continue to regale us with your inventive and creative stories.  Tell us how you're going to go to a storm site with your cousin and learn some "OJT" cat adjusting.  Tell us how much money you're going to make and then let us stand in line for the "John Glasgow" school of Catastrophe Adjusting, as I'm sure you've already had several people contact you for dates, times and costs involved.  Although, I'm sure cost isn't any issue, since there isn't any amount of money that would be too much to pay to sit at your feet and bask in the glow of your extreme knowledge, not only about adjusting, but about How to present yourself in public, How to impress people with your knowledge and other such pearls of wisdom that I'm sure only you, John, can show those of us who are unfortunate enough never to have had the honor of being in your company.

    You, John, are an example of why cat adjusting may have a problem with reputation.  You believe that its amusing to come onto a website designed for cat adjusters and insult the entire community, and then have the nerve to try to amend it by suggesting that you're here to help.  You suggest that "all adjusters" are trying to recruit ill fitted people into the business, and toss out your wisdom as to how we should "not let others into the industry".  May I ask  you, John, WHO LET YOU IN????? Please, give me their number, as they should be kicked out of the exclusive club.  Seems to me that someone "allowed" you into a "club" for which you're entirely unsuited.  Evidenced by your award winning personality, your unparalleled intelligence, and your brilliant insight into the world of cat adjusting. 

    John, you bore me, and I'm tired of this game of wits.  One which, may I say, is entirely too one sided.

    Do the right thing, ALWAYS

    03/13/2007 12:11 AM
    Well, appears that you too, have plenty of time on your hands. I wasn't aware that we were playing a game of wits, much less such a one sided game. You shouldn't concern yourself so much with who let me in as much as the fact that I am here. Perhaps you are too serious and may, as I previously suggested, should check out one of those back rooms, have a cocktail and chill out. But really, I could care less because you will have to deal with me or someone like me on every storm you are deployed. Just make sure you tell all of your friends how easy your job is...that way everyone who is currently making minimum wage can join us on the fast track to the pot of gold!!!! Meg, I wish you a succesful year whether you like it or not. Thanks for putting up with my antics. It was fun. Goodbye.

    03/13/2007 1:08 AM
    John I do not agree with all your thoughts but do agree with the influx of adjusters after 2004 storms. This was in part from the large CAT companies running wannabee adjusters through their cert schools like cattle through a slaughter house. They expected caviar and champagne after getting the blessing from the 1 week $600 course and found it to be a living hell. As far a Meg, she appears to be a typical female adjuster who very rarely works claims alone. She rides with her husband or boyfreind and pecks away on a PC entering scope data and making precalls. There are a few good female adjusters out there but Meg just doesn't fit that mold. I suggest you come back for comments after scoping a 8/12 roof with loose granules on your own. Here's a bone for you 8/12 means pitch.

    03/13/2007 9:00 AM

    Vander 80:

    "As far a Meg, she appears to be a typical female adjuster who very rarely works claims alone. She rides with her husband or boyfreind and pecks away on a PC entering scope data and making precalls. There are a few good female adjusters out there but Meg just doesn't fit that mold. I suggest you come back for comments after scoping a 8/12 roof with loose granules on your own. Here's a bone for you 8/12 means pitch".

    If the best you can offer is a personal attack on Meg, your thoughts and opinion are not worthy of dispute.

     Malvi Lennon (female (non-roof climbing) half of a husband/wife team.


    03/13/2007 9:59 AM
    I see, to my relief, that I'm not the only one that considers ad hominem  ( Ad hominem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  ) vitriol inappropriate and unprofessional. Sexism is not tolerated in today's corporate environment, and an increasing number of vendors are implementing  sexual harassment-specific training as a requirement for employment.

    If everyone were of the same opinions, forums like this would be terminally boring. But trying to score Brownie points by disparaging another's sex, race, religion, origin, etc. diminishes the credibility of the author and embarasses at least some of the rest of us.
    Lee Norwood, aka "CATdawg"
    Janice R. Martin-Toll
    Life Member

    03/13/2007 10:51 AM

    Malvi and Lee,


    I planned to respond to Mr. Vanderlay, but I could not have done so more eloquently than the two of you.


    Janice R. Martin-Toll (Roof Climbing female adjuster – even the 8/12 pitch)

    Janice R. Martin-Toll
    Tom Toll
    Moderator & Life Member
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    Senior Member

    03/13/2007 12:52 PM
    Vander and John, it is obvious to me that you have never read, "How to win friends and influence People", as your communication skills, are at best, insulting and moronic. I notice you are not shown as an adjuster in your profile, so, until you are able to adequately fill out your profile with the appropriate credentials, I suggest you stick with what you seem to know best, what ever that is. CADO was designed to help adjuster's know each other, help each other, and for training in this very difficult field of endeavor. Neither one of you have made a knowledgeable contribution yet. As a moderator it first hit me to delete your very insulting posts, but as they say, it takes all kinds to make the world go round. You two do not seem to be our type. I left your posts so that the many vendors that look at this sight can see what kind of attitudes and knowledge you both have. You have done yourselves harm in this industry.

    If night life and the most popular drinking holes are your main focus, then you should stay with your current day job.  As far a personal attacks on someone you do not even know, only displays your integrity as an individual. Unfortunately, both or your integrities  are highly questionable. If you want to learn to be adjusters, please do so, but leave your rude and snide remarks to yourself. Beneficial commentary is always welcome here, but not your type of posts.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

    03/13/2007 1:57 PM
    Thanks Tom for your reply. I was sitting here contemplating sending you an email asking than Vander 80 should be required to extend Meg a public apology, or be locked out of the site entirely, but come to think of it your idea is much better than mine.
    PS: Meg I am sorry you were unfairly singled out.
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