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Last Post 04/01/2016 8:46 AM by  clydev
Looking for File Review Opportunities
 1 Replies
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01/08/2016 7:14 PM


    Hello All,

    I have been an auto claims desk adjuster for the past year. I am in a situation at home where I may need to work from home doing something similar. Are there currently firms looking for at home/remote file reviewers? Does anyone have a rough idea of how much they pay? I have looked everywhere and have not had any luck for remote positions. All are temporary or require relocation. Working in the field for daily claims isn't really an option for my situation either.

    Any info you could provide would be appreciated! :)


    Tags: Getting Started, Feedback, file review, file reviewer, file, review, claims examiner, claims, file auditor, autditor

    04/01/2016 8:46 AM

    We need CAT & Daily Adjusters as well as file reviewers and Managers.

    Twitter - @hcclaims

    Our website is getting a badly needed uplift but will be back up soon.

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