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Last Post 10/06/2011 2:33 PM by  olderthendirt
Did I mess up?
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09/09/2011 9:46 PM
Posted By Tex Walker on 07 Sep 2011 01:38 PM
Oh..and one more thing Robby, why would you want to show anyone your tax return for ? You should be embarrased just for saying that, 203,497.54 is not something to brag and bost about either. Keep your personal business to yourself, no one cares how much or in this case how little you made. Stop making it a pissing contest, you are showing how green you really are !

Tex, I am not embarassed about that amount, I was just trying to make this new adjuster realize that the information given is chock full of 

BULL$%T and he deserves real information.

This new adjuster is being fed a line of BULLS%^T and I am copying and pasting below the reason I am passionate about voicing my opinion to help our rookie brethren:

My thought process is get called out on 2 storms make 60 to 80 k a year based off his information.


"A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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09/10/2011 7:21 PM
Posted By CatAdjusterX on 09 Sep 2011 09:46 PM
Posted By Tex Walker on 07 Sep 2011 01:38 PM
Oh..and one more thing Robby, why would you want to show anyone your tax return for ? You should be embarrased just for saying that, 203,497.54 is not something to brag and bost about either. Keep your personal business to yourself, no one cares how much or in this case how little you made. Stop making it a pissing contest, you are showing how green you really are !

Tex, I am not embarassed about that amount, I was just trying to make this new adjuster realize that the information given is chock full of 

BULL$%T and he deserves real information.

This new adjuster is being fed a line of BULLS%^T and I am copying and pasting below the reason I am passionate about voicing my opinion to help our rookie brethren:

My thought process is get called out on 2 storms make 60 to 80 k a year based off his information.



Tex, me green? The fact alone that you are defending the CLOWN that told this rookie adjuster he can make 60 to 80k a year with two storms a year tells me how "green" you must be.

Nobody cares how "little" I made ?Keep my personal business to myself? UHM, my post was in response to Kung Fu along with your "boast" that you made 300k in 4 months. There are tons of folks just like you on the net that talk the talk, but when challenged to back up your tales with facts, zero zip nada. You and others like you need to post responsibly on these boards because so many new adjusters are reading these posts as well


"A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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09/10/2011 7:24 PM
Posted By newguy3 on 31 Aug 2011 01:36 AM


 I just got hired by Pilot, I guess. They called and said get your paperwork in and get ready for a drug test. The lady told me that she knew they would call me so pack my bags. I have all paperwork in, but they haven’t called me for a drug test yet. I e-mailed and they said if I was called to give them the zip of where I was going and they would set me up there to have it done. 

I have taken all my tests they have on (my training) and passed with 100%. I am starting the free stage 1 of xactimate. I have bought a 16' extension ladder that fits in the bed of my truck, a laptop, mobile printer, the office supplies on their list, a 750 watt inverter, a roof angle tool, 100 ft tape, construction master calculator, and a few other small things. I was going to order the belt system they recommended but they are out. So I don’t have a hagg shingle gauge, chalk, chalk holder, magnifying glass, magnet, all in one scanner printer copier, fax, and I believe this is all I don’t have from the list. Thus far, 2000 bucks. I haven’t opened anything I can’t take back yet.

I am 31 years old and have 3 small girls, I know that I could be gone a while (although I was under the impression only 30 claims and 2 weeks). I owned my own construction business for 12 years and did several large projects, and worked with several insurance adjusters. I believe I understand the way of life and the long hours, I spent many years with 16 hour days. I am not just a kid jumping into this; well I didn’t feel that way until I read some of your posts. I got the idea from a State Farm staff adjuster who has a great life, not millions but comfortable. He told me to look at Pilot. I also met a guy that works for Pilot and he told me of the long hours and paperwork. He told me that he made 45000.00 off his first claims in 2005, and how his friends got called to New Orleans and made 300k in 4 months off flood claims. I realize that was a once in a life time storm. My thought process is get called out on 2 storms make 60 to 80 k a year based off his information.

Here is where I wonder if I messed up. Did I just waste 2 grand? Will I waste another 2 when I get called by going? Don’t get me wrong I will work my tail off, but I don’t really know what I am doing. I am a fast learner and I move 100 mph. That doesn’t help if I don’t know the world I am working in. These guys say I should be fine, but I don’t know. The Pilot guy I met said live at the help center until I figure it out.

What say you? Thanks for your time on this… 



Newguy3, what do you mean when you say you have started the free stage 1 of XM8?


"A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"

09/11/2011 11:07 AM

One thing to remember is that you pay for everything. Rooms, Gas, Gas, Food , Gas, Did I say Gas? This alone will cut your $80K per year by over 50% . it's not what you Gross it's what you net. Oh yaa remember to save back 35% for taxes.

 remember: don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. Been there done that!!

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09/11/2011 8:22 PM
Posted By Montana Goldust on 11 Sep 2011 11:07 AM

One thing to remember is that you pay for everything. Rooms, Gas, Gas, Food , Gas, Did I say Gas? This alone will cut your $80K per year by over 50% . it's not what you Gross it's what you net. Oh yaa remember to save back 35% for taxes.

 remember: don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. Been there done that!!

Well the gross I spoke of a few days ago when adjusted for all expenses and taxes and self employment tax( Social Security) literally brought that number down by almost 45%


"A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"

10/03/2011 3:00 AM
I make it a point to never call someone a liar. It is the lowest form of communication a person can perform. You are not God, you do NOT know everything, and have no right to say someone did not make the money they say they did. I believe he made what he said, I have no reason to disbelieve him. I have never seen his paycheck, I know nothing of his business expenses. I would be a total fool to say to him that he is lying. I am no fool. HOWEVER, if I did mess up and call someone a liar, I would be quick to apologize to them. This would show that I am an honorable man. Which I am.
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10/04/2011 2:33 AM
Posted By ImReady on 03 Oct 2011 03:00 AM
I make it a point to never call someone a liar. It is the lowest form of communication a person can perform. You are not God, you do NOT know everything, and have no right to say someone did not make the money they say they did. I believe he made what he said, I have no reason to disbelieve him. I have never seen his paycheck, I know nothing of his business expenses. I would be a total fool to say to him that he is lying. I am no fool. HOWEVER, if I did mess up and call someone a liar, I would be quick to apologize to them. This would show that I am an honorable man. Which I am.

Mr. ImReady,

You are a dollar short and a day late and you chiming in weeks after this was resolved is about as worthless get the idea !

Let me make something PERFECTLY CLEAR, I have every right to say anything I want if it makes a new kid think twice before investing money that many can't afford based upon stories of riches that can be made. I have paid my dues and taken my lumps and I have earned that right.

As per more than a few posts on this very thread and a few calls and a few emails, I have had colleagues and friends let me know that they did indeed make that kind of money and within that time frame on that particular storm(Katrina). It is also crystal clear that every single adjuster who made that kind of money from that storm would NEVER give a new adjuster thinking of getting into the biz the idea that they could make the same.

If you read the thread ,you would be well aware that what made me respond so passionately is this new person had in his mind that based upon THAT(the 300k in 3 to 4 months) information, he is thinking he can make 60 to 80k on just two storms a year. Even more important is this kid (31) is a daddy to 3 little girls and he is worried about the couple grand he has already invested.

Anyone who wants to be a CAT adjuster without either having a family member already in the biz and in a position to give them a leg up or a friend in the biz also in a position to give them a leg up and has to support a family as a new adjuster should stay far away from this industry. I have and will continue to help every adjuster already in the biz. If I can help a young man with a family by giving him a reality check, you are DAMN right I am gonna step up and say something.

So Mr. ImReady, I don't need any ethics advice or any advice from someone who hides behind a psuedonym and I sure as hell don't need ANY advice from someone who doesn't pay attention to detail enough to see this thread was handled weeks before you opened up your mouth.


Robby Robinson

"A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"
Tex Walker

10/04/2011 5:03 PM
Maybe if CatadjusterX would stay off CADO and keep from posting 24 hrs a day to the majority of the blogs, he would actually make some money and see what you can actually do when your not Queen Bee of the chat rooms ! Sorry if your still bitter about people that made ALOT more than you on past storms, not to worry it will happen again for the majority of us !
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10/04/2011 7:53 PM
On another forum, a Pilot employee that seems to be honest, said that his expenses run about 4 grand a month. I am sure that Pilot and Allstate are grateful that each cat adjuster foots 4 grand a month in expenses.

My understanding is that about 7,000 adjusters were working this spring after the tornados, so the math says that 7,000 X 4,000 = 28 million invested by adjusters in the first month alone. I think my math is right on that.

Tex Walker said on this forum that he made $600,000 working Katrina claims.

Do the math, to gross 27 grand in 28 days you have to average $67.50 an hour for 400 hours of being awake. If you gross 27 grand at 300 per claim that means that you have to be assigned 90 claims and you have to average 3.3 closings per day, everyday.

For Tex Walker to have grossed 600 grand would have required 6000 hours at 100 gross an hour. By my calculations that would be about 500 24 hour days.
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt

10/04/2011 9:40 PM

Chuck, the point was that you said it had to be net, net after expenses. So I gave you the expenses.

If you can't clear enough to net out a profit after that, I guess I'm missing your point.

Just about any job you have, you will be expected to provide transportation to and from work.

Licensing, certifications, continuing education are frequently expenses carried by the employee.

Ever notice how many people use cell phones, air cars, laptops? Yes, I included those monthly costs as expenses.

Your bitterness is duly noted, but I don't get why you care so much....

If this is such a crappy way to make a living, why are you still here?

Tex Walker

10/04/2011 9:45 PM
If you were lucky and fortunate as me to have work " SLAB " claims in Katrina, it only took 30-70 claims that billed over 10K- 20K each, you could easily and I mean easily achieve that number. But there's always the number crunching bean counters who try to do the math with an hourly vs. day rate and say....hey, that's impossible it cant be done.. Newsflash ***** it was done and I enjoyed reaping the rewards of the SLAB claim ! Dont give yourself migraines in disgust with woulda, coulda and shoulda mentality !

10/04/2011 10:08 PM
hush, Tex....

Chuck is doing math, and he's never wrong.
Tex Walker

10/04/2011 10:19 PM
HAHAHA... the bean counters worrying about the " adjuster's storm of the century " that happened six years ago !
Jud G.
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Advanced Member

10/05/2011 12:24 AM
Do the math, to gross 27 grand in 28 days you have to average $67.50 an hour for 400 hours of being awake. If you gross 27 grand at 300 per claim that means that you have to be assigned 90 claims and you have to average 3.3 closings per day, everyday.

For Tex Walker to have grossed 600 grand would have required 6000 hours at 100 gross an hour. By my calculations that would be about 500 24 hour days.

Chuck and Rod:  The key here is how the bills were calcluated.  No one said they were hourly.

Adjusters who were as fortunate as this 'Tex' and 'K ung' were in the perfect storm with the right (for them and their pocketbooks) carrier who had billing arrangements set up on a contigency fee for GLA's that took little or no time to calculate.  The carrier rescinded those agreements very shortly after these adjusters/firms submitted their bills and paid their adjusters.  The reason they rescinded those arrangements was for the same reason the cynics on this forum aren't able to 'run the numbers'.

Anyway heads rolled, acccounts were lost, and Albatross' were to be hung around necks for years to come.  There's a good reason why these people have false aliases; it's not because they are lying about how much they made.  Some actually made much more than Tex.


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Veteran Member

10/05/2011 12:33 AM
Posted By Tex Walker on 04 Oct 2011 05:03 PM
Maybe if CatadjusterX would stay off CADO and keep from posting 24 hrs a day to the majority of the blogs, he would actually make some money and see what you can actually do when your not Queen Bee of the chat rooms ! Sorry if your still bitter about people that made ALOT more than you on past storms, not to worry it will happen again for the majority of us !

Tex  Walker

What is it with you, you seem to have a BIG problem with me and you must like to stir up the hornet's nest just for the sake of dealing with your own inadequacies. I say this because unless you are extremely dense, you would have read enough of my posts on this thread alone that explains clearly my reasoning for action. Your statement that I am still bitter about people making more money than me clearly eclipses you being dense and crosses the line between ignorance and S-T-U-P-I-D-I-T-Y.. Is that clear enough for you?

Your comment about me trying to be queen bee in the CADO forums and posting on CADO 24 hrs. a day shows exactly how little you know about me. You have no clue who I am or what I do everyday. I will tell you that CADO is but a small part of my day, but you are GOD DAMN right that I will continue to post as many posts on as many sites as necessary to give the new folks a clear picture of what this industry is and isn't about. As long as there are people like you that spin bogus tales of excellence and non stop work, I will continue to do what I do the way I do it

You are right about one thing, this industry is a lot smaller than folks think.

Robby Robinson




"A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"
Jud G.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

10/05/2011 12:40 AM

Your comment about me trying to be queen bee in the CADO forums and posting on CADO 24 hrs. a day shows exactly how little you know about me. 

I agree.  He forgot that you've got to sleep too.  I think he meant 18 hrs.


10/05/2011 1:51 AM
I love when people talk about "adjusting" Katrina losses :)

The storm where everyone robbed everyone LOL
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Veteran Member

10/05/2011 9:04 AM

You lost me when you took the Lord's name in vain....................
Larry D Hardin
Tex Walker

10/05/2011 9:09 AM
Robby, what do you mean by this comment ? " As long as there are people like you that spin bogus tales of excellence and non stop work " I think everyone here knows and can validate that what I'm saying is true and there are people that do really well like me in this business or obviously they would have found their fortune somewhere else.

I think your comments clearly state your insecurities and inadequacies, as you seem to be the dense one here. I dont have a clue who you are, but you sure make it easy to paint a self portrait on who you are.

So continue to do what you do and they way you do it, because obviously it's not working for you since you have to be combative with others and how others make it look so easy !

Take the path of least resistance in life, you might like it :)


10/05/2011 10:03 AM
I love it, been too long since we have had an old fashioned p*ss*n match (whose one is the biggest) here to get the blood flowing and people thinking. (I miss J F) among others. I believe some people made it big, but in the long run that kind of gold mine pay day hurts the industry. Now we have endless wantabes who think with a bit of luck they too might strike it rich. If I hit deal like that I would grab it, but then I am old enough to retire if I had a year like that. Meanwhile back to the trenches, long term assignments are less exciting but they can pay the bills.
I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers.
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