As the year comes to a
I would like to thank
all my readers
for making my thread
the most
popular thread on the
I could not have done
it without
your help. And I do
appreciate it.
Over 2000 hits and most
of that
in the last week during
the late
And special thanks to
the moderator
(Steve Ebner I think,
but am not sure)
for not shutting me
down when he
had the chance. I
became a little
intemperate and
misspoke a time
or two using
inappropriate terms
for several of the
posters. Steve's
dedication to the First
is steadfast and yet he
is sensitive to
the concerns of those I
offended. But
neither of the Larry's
asked to have
the offending remarks
showing their support
for robust
discussion and for the
record to reflect
accurately the free
exchange of ideas
which is what this
website is all about
and is its hallmark.
None the less I do
apologize to them and
wish them
And last but not least
my thanks to
those that made kind
responses to my
questions, clumsily
asked as they might
have been. They
were informative.
One last point. There
is a lot of gripping
on this website about
adjusting companies.
How you're up on the
roof and they are
back at the office
slicing off a big piece
of the pie. How they
run you around all
over the place, here
and there, and then
send you packing and
when they do set
you to work they work
you like mules.
And how the pie gets
smaller because
they take in work
cheaper and cheaper
and then try to make it
up in the split.
That's why I was
surprised there was so
little interest in a
discussion of how
adjusting companies are
actually formed
and actually function.
There's a lot of
scattered knowledge out
there in a lot
of different skulls
that can be stitched
together with a thread
like this. They
(the adjusting companies) don't care how
much you
grumble as long as you don't
thinking too loud.
(I shouldn't have to
say this, but some
of this is written tongue-in-cheek, but
the apology is for real. And ever if the
attempted humor is not funny Mike has
taught us its OK to not be funny sometimes
[post #23] and I agree.)
Thanks for listening.
Drink up Shriners
and Happy Holidays all.