Tom TollModerator & Life Member  Senior Member Posts:1865  
10/10/2006 6:27 PM |
It is my understanding that MS/B is revamping Intega Claim after listening to many adjusters complain about its functionality. Hopefully the new version will be out early next year.
DDS was probably one of the best estimating programs out there. They listened to the adjusters and made changes as they felt appropiate. When sold, MS/B started listening to profits instead of the adjuster. Perhaps they have or are learning that it is the adjuster who buys their product, not the vendors. I try to stay positive about things, so hopefully the new Intega Claim will be more adjuster inclusive. Keep our fingers crossed.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
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10/10/2006 11:26 PM |
I wished they would create a Sketch estimating system like XM8 Has, Fast and reliable!
R. Estes
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10/11/2006 6:45 PM |
Overall, I think IntegriClaim is much faster to use & way more user friendly than Xactimate24. In Xact, there are way too many duplicate entries required. Sketch is not that simple, whereas in Integri, you can do it "free-hand".Hopefully,MSB will get their marketing act together so more carriers will use it instead of the cumbersome Xactimate !!!!!!!Xactimate should really start listening to adjusters. They need a point & click option on a room picture for materials like IntegriClaim has in it. Remembering a zillion codes is an antiquated, cumbersome & a time consuming way of doing it. IntegriClaim had codes when it was dos based in the early 90's,time to get with it !!!!
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10/12/2006 11:12 AM |
Having started on MSB then training on Xactimate, I found Xactimate cumbersom and cunfusing, until the trainer from Renfro held a small workshop on Xactimate. He showed us some features that made Xmate amazingly simple. I still like MSB, thats what I have worked with the most, but I do like sketch, and if taught right, it is better than MSB, in my opinion
I know the voices aren't real, but sometimes they're right!
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10/12/2006 6:02 PM |
Posted By Gordon B. Stockman on 10/11/2006 6:45 PM Xactimate should really start listening to adjusters. They need a point & click option on a room picture for materials like IntegriClaim has in it. Remembering a zillion codes is an antiquated, cumbersome & a time consuming way of doing it.
XM8 24 has 10 room pictures. You move the cursor over door hardware, or roof felt, or whatever you want and then right click and you have your line item choices. I'll post more details on the XM8 how to get to these.
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10/16/2006 7:50 PM |
"...They need a point & click option on a room picture for materials like IntegriClaim has in it...."
The new version MS/B-Intergriclaim (I was in on Beta) has even more improved and detailed point/click features--interior and exterior of house. There are (were) still a couple of bugs, but I like Integriclaim; probably because it's the only claims software I've used.
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10/16/2006 8:25 PM |
In my opinion,going from IntegriClaim to Xactimate is like going from driving an automatic transmission to driving a stick shift with a worn clutch & being blind folded.There are no reports which are automatically filled in with information already entered/generated. The reports have to be custom created. The concept is really neat & would be great if I was preparing super detalied take offs for a job where I needed to know exactly how many nails I would need, but I feel it is excessive when it comes to details. There is most likely going to be some sort of supplement anyway on most claims, so why is it necessary to have so much minutia?Xactimate has fewer defaults, which come in real handy when working cat claims for the same carrier or working a bunch of similiar claims.It shouldn't matter what program adjusters use to estimate as long as the scope is correct & pricing consistent. As I stated above, supplements are inevitable. No one tells a carpenter what type of hammer he can use as long as he gets the process & final product correct, it doesn't make a difference.Or am I missing something?
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10/17/2006 2:05 AM |
Anyone In Central Florida That Is Very Knowledgable about Integraclaim 8.0 & Com Central???? Email me Id Like to hear from you!
R. Estes
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10/21/2006 10:41 PM |
Also looking for someone knowledgable with Integraclaim 8.0 & Com Central in the northern Florida panhandle area, please email me at, we can use your assistance.
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Tom TollModerator & Life Member  Senior Member Posts:1865  
10/31/2006 5:29 PM |
Fourth quarter database is now available from Integraclaim. Give them a call and get yours. Maybe if we load them up with calls, they will start sending them out as they should.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
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11/01/2006 5:22 PM |
I learned on Integriclaim and later I learned Xactimate. Learning Integriclaim was much easier but once I learned Xactimate I never wanted to go back to Integriclaim...although the roof diagrams and report packages in Integriclaim are nice. ComCentral is great too. Integriclaim's pricing always seems to low and has limited options for line items. For just banging out estimates you can't beat Xactimate.
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11/02/2006 8:48 AM |
I have Xactimate, Integraclaim, and Simsol. If you want a fast/accurate estimating system I would chose Simsol hands down. Xactimate has some features that make it easy to estimate with, but the reports/final product from Integra is better than Xactimate could ever be. When I went through the Integra training, I found it to have too much unnecessary information needed to do a simple appraisal of damage. It is probably more geared towards the staff adjuster. I was disappointed at the lack of features as compared with Simsol, but then again maybe I got spoiled by Simsol since I can write twice as many claims in the same amount of time as it takes someone in Xactimate or Integra.
Bottom line is it shouldn't matter what system you use. If I tell you to be here tomorrow, I don't care what mode of transportation you take, just as long as you arrive on time.
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11/11/2006 8:41 PM |
Keith I just started writing in Integraclaim 8.0 SP2, utilizing Com Central, I wrote in MSB 5.0 a while ago, alto of changes since then. All in all was easily learned, and still looking for shortcuts. I have been dimensioning the diagrams, and re-dimensioning in the estimate, double work if you ask me.
Also the diagramming window is small, and is hard to get all notes and rooms, slopes into the diagram window without allot of time consummation. Don't know if I'm missing any shortcuts to double diagramming, or making digram window larger, maybe some one knows? Or maybe has a few tips for me. Just seems to me like allot of wasted time in MSB Integraclaim.
The pictures that I download into MSB, are downloaded into the order of which I took the pictures and in order to arrange them in an order constant with your Scoping, you have to do this in Microsoft or another program because MSB does not show you the Pictures unless you preview them and even then thats only one Picture, With XM8 You preview every picture. Basically with XM8 you Upload into Program, arrange them, and word them. With MSB, you Download them and Have to manually preview every one! WASTE OF TIME IF YOU ASK ME!
I did the same Theft/Vandalism Claim in both MSB, and In XM8....Both latest and greatest versions, and the XM8 Estimate from start to close was by far faster, and the Bottom Line was more money In My Pocket. the Gross claim with XM8 in Same Zip Code and Updated that day was by about $1,760.00 Gross on an $22,000.00 Estimate.
I better get used to MSB because I will be writing in it for a long time to come. I just wish they would get their program a little more tweaked, and better organized for quicker and more expedient estimating.
Didn't take me as long to 'GET IT" like it did XM8, But with XM8 It is Much more of a streamlined and defined estimate, and to me is allot quicker. All the way from Xacentral to the final closure of the claim.
Bottom Line with MSB, intgrate diagramming with the estimate, make the diagram pages larger window, get rid of the icons, make it to where you can preview all pictures as you are writing notes about them so that you can organize. There are a few times when you think you may have forgot a room, or a slope and retake the pics, and then need to organize them in the order of the estimate. Maybe MSB Folks will read this and do something about it!
My 2 Cents worth.
R. Estes
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11/14/2006 7:29 AM |
Roy, You can see the issue with too much information needed for a simple appraisal. Xactimate atleast gives you a faster estimate time, but I personally do not like the final product/reporting features. If I had carriers that could take my estimate through XactCentral, it would make things easier, but since alot of my clients are middle tier carriers, they allow us to email a completed product. For me to do that with Xactimate, I have to print several pdfs and merge them into one. With Simsol, I print it as 1 file including my simple to create custom reports that each carrier requests. I don't have to sell them on one size fits most reports that come standard with Xactimate.
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11/14/2006 10:26 PM |
If you want to email me, I think I know a little trick which makes it so you only have to enter the dimensions once for the diagram
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11/23/2006 11:09 AM |
Well With MSB 8.0 SP2, and Com Central.
- They need to make it to where all the pictures show as thumbnails, instead of clicking to review, to be able to sort your pictures without a bunch of time.
- Thery need to make it to where, when you diagram a roof, or permiter, the deminsions automatically roll into the estimate, and creates the elevation or room. Instead of a lot of time and double data entry. VERY TIME CONSUMING!
- Com Central will not allow you to re-open a claim without it being a suppliment, after it has been sent up, closed and ready for examiner.
- When you set up a macro, for a room or whatever, it duplicates the estimate line items, but not like it is written, the wording like "SPECIAL" and "PAINT" or the quality of the line item shows up, and you have to go back and erase those words, if you dont want it in your estimate.
- The diagram windows are way too small, they need to make it to where it is a full page, so that you can actually get in a good diagram. Or room drawing. In addition the Icons are way to large for the diagram.
Does anyone know how to get ahold of the decision makers at MS&B, as I would LOVE to be able to speak with them, I am considering a petition to MS&B, with thousands of names. Including with the carriers that utilize Com Central and MS&B for their preferred tool of estimating.
I am all about timie, and ease and simplicity. They need to make these things and maybe a few others happen SOON, or they will lose, and their business will spiral.
My opinion, and since I will be writing in MS&B daily from here until the next forseeable future, I am a trooper and an advocate for simplicity for all.
R. Estes
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Gale  Member Posts:386  
11/23/2006 11:52 PM |
Roy as you can read MSB has named 20+ executives so far just this year and I am sure some of these changes will meet your concerns. The owners of MSB, MDA did not assume management control of MSB per past new releases until 1 Jan 2006 and as you can see they have been busy naming new department heads. Some changes may be due to some that got a share of the $90 million bonus paid by MDA to Boston Ventures this year may have taken the cash and looked for a different pasture to graze. MDA is placing some heavy bets I read on the UK property valuation market and has MSB developing for that new interest. You can read below about Tony Boobier that heads up the international effort and is who is based in London, England.
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11/25/2006 9:56 AM |
Test post using Netscape
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12/09/2006 12:17 AM |
The next rebirth of IntegriClaim will be released in about 3 years time. Development is currently starting in Canada (not in the New Berlin Wisconsin office) by software engineers who have developed intelligence gathering information systems for militarys across the Western world.
For sure, Xactimate and Simsol don't stand a chance.
The Canucks came early in the year - and then BAM, they set up shop in the office full time among the developers who have hammered at IntegriClaim for the past 5 years.
Basically, the New Berlin developers are to be kept on staff for the next 4 years to maintain the existing IntegriClaim platform and help ease the transition to the new platform.
MDA being a global corporation and having interests in Europe also means they will conquer the Western world when it comes to claims processing and evaluation software. The competitors in size just don't come close to matching the share firepower of MDA.
In all its probably for the best, since the existing IntegriClaim platform is at best now just a sadly mutilated guppy - attacked by near-sighted management and unrealistic deadlines to meet customer expectations.
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Gale  Member Posts:386  
12/09/2006 1:41 AM |
Devin, thanks for the update on what had been rumored for sometime. I bet the folks over at ISO will feel like fools after paying over 25 million for Xactimate just to see their investment become worthless in a few years. I expect Simsol will be fine with their loyal user base.
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