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Last Post 10/12/2016 10:33 AM by  Goldust
Limited access Coverage
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10/12/2016 10:33 AM

      I have a claim on a 1886 Colonial home that needed a new roof. The property has limited access around the dwelling because the entire property is surrounded by a stone wall. the only way to get materials on the 13/12 pitch roof is a large Genie S85 forklift driving on the lawn and circular  driveway.

    The dwelling is four stories tall with the attic included.

    The contractor tried to put down steel sheets and marked sprinkler system heads with flags.The steel sheets sunk into the ground and damaged the lawn with deep grooves from forklift tires and damaged the sprinkler system. The weight of machine and the material it hauled also damaged the already bad cement driveway and  sidewalk .

      My question is : should this be a covered item as it was the only way for the contractor to get material up on the 4 story roof.

    The roof is so steep they could not stack any material on the roof and each sheet of decking and the shingles had to be held by the roof by the forklift while roofers in harnesses installed these items. The contractor is getting bids to repair driveway, side walk , and lawn & sprinkler repair.

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