Fellow adjusters using campers, toyhaulers, motorhomes and sleeper vans!!!
I am a young dad of one and a husband of an amazing wife that has done years on the road in sometimes crusty hotels. My questions goes out to the crew that pulls there homes from coast to coast to set up there cat office it the RV parks. I look back on the years of hotels usually costing more than 10K a ye year I wonder why I am not driving a Class A diesel pushing moter coach! I reaslise the tight quarters and maintenence and that is why I ofter wonder. Is it worth it??? The main desire is to offer a more consistant environment for my little one in the average 6-8 months that I have been adjuster each year.
Is it worth the maintenence, extra heachache and responsibility? or would you rather be curled up in the hotel with a lobby and a hallway to strech your legs? Just so that you know this vehicle would also obviously be used for personal use as we are an outdoor family that loves motorcross!!!!!!!!
I realise that for the Big storms you guys are set pending the closest RV park is not destroyed. All I can say is that I have always been envyous of you guys for years but somehow I always talk my self back into the comfort of the unknown hotel.
I currently adjust out of a full size cargo van with a 6.6 duramax and alison transmision able to pull a mid size camper. I am also thinking about going to a duely pick up and picking up a big 5th wheel toy hauler. The real dream though is to get the 200k coach!!! who knows.
Thanks for your thoughts and blessing for all your future earnings!!!