30/70, yes sir. We as independent contractors that require us to furnish our own equipment, such as, Autos, gasoline, cameras, computers, printers, paper, paper clips, cell phones, discs, estimating systems, lodging, and meals, and I am sure something was left out. Some of the fee schedule's do not take into consideration the auto and fuel expense, as no milage is allowed, nor photos. We are not priviledged with Company transportation.
I feel the first major vendor that offers a reasonable 30/70 split will have more truly qualified adjusters than they can handle. If that happens, the companies are going to come to them to place business. A good adjuster can make claim settlements happen without happenstance. A good adjuster can save claim money for the companies. Instead of hiring off the street, the vendors should concentrate on quality, professionalism, integrity, and character. No vendor should retain the services of a turn and burn'em adjuster. This creates a load of clean up files that sometimes can be unbearable to a vendor, and to top that off, the qualified adjuster doing the clean up is not properly compensated for washing the dishes after the food has been eaten.
I would like to see a vendor who has the foresight to make a 30/70 split. Mr. Vendor's, you may respond please. Tell us your stories. |