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258 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2003 :  02:58:00  Show Profile
I just finished reading this month's magazine (well, just the articles that interested me)[:)] and wanted to share a few thoughts.

The editor's notes is a good case for continuing education (CE). He basically says we need people in claims who can see the bigger picture and this can be accomplished through CE.

Also was surprised to see NACA's theme for their 2004 convention. Reminds me of a post I made on here not so long ago...

Interesting note on page 16 about mandated mold coverage in Missouri. Hope it doesn't become Texas, or worse due to the inconsistencies of the DOI.

And what about that "Advertorial" by SIMSOL Software's CEO, Francis Postova. Gotta say, Francis, if you are reading this... please hurry with those "scoping a loss on a PDA" I'd love to see electronic tablets become more common place in the scoping process. Imagine the time it would save! I know many flood adjusters use them already.

I especially was pleased to see the notes on the ACE-SCLA conference and to know that even the "experts" who attended disagree on the most important issues. I think it validates what we do in our club house.

Great looking new book advertised on page 59. Adjusting Adversity How Claims Pros Conquer Worst Case Scenarios by Kevin Quinley. I might actually buy it. If I do I'll let you know what I think. If someone else has already read it, let me know what you thought. I've already read Well Adjusted by Quinley and thought it was great for the busy claims professional because it broke down into small portions to be easily digested.

There were several other interesting articles and short news briefs that would benefit many people on this site. I have posted these comments to increase discussion on these items and stimulate us as we enter the dreary, snowy winter.

Please, share your thoughts! I'll be keeping my eye on this discussion to make sure it doesn't get too crazy off topic. If it does start to get muddled, we can just start a new thread to keep it seperate.



476 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2003 :  09:09:17  Show Profile
There you have it, Ms Jennifer, you have just validated my assertion that where CADO leads, the rest of the herd follows.

Claims Magazine, Insurance Journal, etal are mere history books on slick paper while we are blazing the pioneer trail with our immediacy on any given topic! No where else can be found as knowledgeable and well written compositions, (as well as cussin' & discussin'), from as diverse a bunch as we are. And, that includes you too, my dear.

That we often do not recognize this is the result of our wallowing in the bushes and not seeing the rest of the forest around us. As best as they try, the mainstream publications stagnate as decor items on reception area coffee tables, while CADO tingles with the vibrancy of life...
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1200 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2003 :  10:10:19  Show Profile
Quite a bi-polar range of view in the value of Claims Mag et al, right out of the gate with this thread.

Personally, as an online steady reader of Claims Mag, and many other industry periodicals, I think they are an invaluable source of information, trends and news.

While CADO does have the benefit of "immediacy" on any issue, including those of little value mixed with large amounts of controversy; Claims Mag is far more than "a mere history book".

If one surfed the archives of Claims Mag, it is hard to not quickly realize the depth and value of material, that may be of current or future use to an adjuster. I fully recommend to everyone pursuing a career in claims, that they keep abreast of articles in Claims Mag.

Yes, CADO does tingle (or singe) with life, but it should not be compared to Claims Mag; its benefits are rather found in contrast.
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476 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2003 :  11:04:38  Show Profile
That's right, there is no comparision twixt CADO and the rest. We are incomparable in our breadth and scope of the development of issues by those intimately immersed in the activity as it happens. Be it the Mold Wars, the California fires, any and all hurricanes, corporate politics and trends, training, safety, policy interpretations, technical issues with roofing, structures, our spouses, anon, anon, we have and continue to deal with it here. All this by the efforts of absolutely brilliant writers, such as yourself.

Do we disagree? Of course! That is where the interest is developed that keeps 'em coming back to see what happens next. That's the bait that get's the catfish on the hook. That is the key to our 'publication popularity'. The reading public responds to our diatribes because, as one of our esteemed members heard from another esteemed member, "It's like a train wreck, you just can't tear your eyes away from it"!

Every issue that Ms Jennifer illucidated on in this latest issue of Claims Magazine has been rigorously dealt with here. Continuing education? We've continually hammered away on that. NACA's convention theme? Thppppt! Mold? Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. Simsols advertorial? We've already got Mr Postava on a current thread. ACE-SCLA catfight? What about our battle scars? Quinley's books? How about Chuck's Cat Adjusting 101 and 102 or my out of print Catastrophe Adjusting & Techniques?

It's all right here, right now, in the CADO clubhouse. Can you interact with the magazines like you can with us? Nope! Will they print your protest opinion if you write a letter or e-mail? Maybe, but not likely? Granted, with the magazines, you can read them in the bathroom while you won't drag your desk top computer in with you, that's a small price to pay. (For those of you that take your laptop in there, all I can say is that you are sick and twisted and should recieve therapy and medications.)

Edited by - Ghostbuster on 12/17/2003 11:09:48
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