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Archive through June 19, 2000Cecelia6-19-00  10:32 pm
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Ricvitiello (Ricvitiello)
Posted on Tuesday, August 08, 2000 - 11:35 pm:   

Dear SinCere,
Jim Flynt mentioned that my wife sent flowers to me on our aniversary. That's just a small example of the relationship I have with the gal I've been married to for 26 years. Yesterday I received a "care" package from home and before I tell you what was in it I should give you some background information. Each Wednesday night my family gets together for dinner at our house. My 25 yr old son, his very pregnant wife, her daughter (now happily our grand daughter), My 23 yr old daughter and her fiance, and of course that gal that I can't stand to be more than an inch away from. I call home every wednesday night while they are all there and the phone gets passed around so I can say hi to everybody. My nightly conversations with my wife keep me up on family concerns so during my few words with each of them on Wednesday nights I can many times drop in a few words of encouragement or advice on the current needs individual family members. This works great now that my kids are on their own and I am proud that they've turned out so well, but, I believe that a big reason that they turned out this well is because they have always had two parents close to them on a daily basis. (I started traveling about 3 years ago) You can't give your little ones the feminine influence that your wife can but she can't substitute for your influence either. My wife and I bit the bullet when the babies were born and she stayed home as a full time mother. We're both glad today that we chose this route, even though we did without the big house and new car for many years longer than our friends. Last July I was also on storm for our aniversary. It was our 25th and to me that's the big one! My wife took it in stride better than I did and said we'll just get away for a trip, (ha) when I get home. We did, and we appreciated our time together, and the two dozen long stemed red roses plus one pink one I had sent her were stll alive when I got home.
Yes there are ways to keep in touch and maintain your relationship while on storm but the reality is that it depends on how strong your relationship is to start with. If it's strong it can get stronger, but if it ha weaknesses, chances are that absence will cause it to get weaker and fail. And your kids will only be little ones for a short time. Very short, now that I look at my 25 and 23 year olds and realize that last year, they were newborns. Enjoy your life. Enjoy your wife and your kids, they're all that really count. forget the big bucks or leave it till later. Do the world and yourself a favor and spend the needed time with your family. And, when they're grown up they will send you a big box of chocolate chip cookies (from Wednesday night dinner), a cheer up card signed by all of them and some of my favorite hard to find New Orleans Aunt Sally's Pralines, And a dollar to buy a bannana to keep my potassium level up. Decisions can some times be very hard. I'm not saying YOU should quit. Don't take the easy way out in either direction. Just do what's right for your particular family situation, whatever that may be, and you'll never regret it. As for me, the most important thing to learn was balance. May you find yours.

Jim (Jim)
Posted on Monday, August 07, 2000 - 10:58 pm:   

Cecelia Sharpe and I had dinner last night here in Minneapolis with Ric Vitiello. When Ceci and I went by his hotel to pick him up to drive to the restaurant, we both noticed a basket of flowers on his hotel television set. When we inquired, we were informed that they were a surprise anniversary present sent by his wife.

What a touching way to let someone you love know you are thinking of them and still care when they are on the road.

What a wonderful person Ric's wife must be and so is Ric by the way. Let's do it again, and soon.

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