This house has been leaking for about a year and the toilet leaks about two of cups of sewage each time it is flushed. The plumbing has been repaired but I need to know what chemicals to use to disinfect the dirt and not cause side effects. When I worked a mold claim in Los Angeles a company wanted to remove all the dirt from under the house because the plumber used lime to get rid of the smell. Watermasters said It was hazardous and should be excavated. Surely a chemical or possibly bleach could be used to disinfect the crawl space below the floor. The house still smells bad, 3 weeks after the leak was repaired Any ideas, this is not a covered loss so the least expensive approach would be best.
Unbelievably, Tide with Bleach sprinkled over the affected earth will absorb the smell and neutralize the acidity of the sewage. Be sure and wear a mask when sprinkling the detergent, don't want to damage those precious lungs.[;)]
NFIP recommended and paid for spraying liquid lime under houses in 1995 under the flood policy. In some areas of the Sacramento Valley the water would stand for weeks, and the mud would stand for months