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Last Post 06/30/2012 4:47 PM by  okclarryd
Zombie Apocalypse Insurance
 3 Replies
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06/29/2012 5:23 PM

    So, it's 2012, and the end of the world according to some.  According to an article in Wednesday's PropertyCasualty360 Daily eNews, there are companies actually selling Zombie Apocalypse insurance.  Companies like My Zombie Insurance and Zaico offer lifetime policies that cover your home, your car, and even your life for as little as $9.99.  Sound like a joke?  The really funny part is that there have been actual claims filed.  A quote from the article:

    “This one was the funniest: One of our policyholders emailed to say that he was convinced his neighbor’s dog was a zombie,” says June, a representative from My Zombie Insurance.

    Steve Ebner CPCU AIC AMIM

    "With great power comes great responsibility." (Stanley Martin Lieber, Amazing Fantasy # 15 August 1962)
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    06/29/2012 5:26 PM
    In the spirit of so many catadjusting companies, I think I might open a training school and offer Zombie Apocalypse certification for catadjusters.
    Steve Ebner CPCU AIC AMIM

    "With great power comes great responsibility." (Stanley Martin Lieber, Amazing Fantasy # 15 August 1962)

    06/29/2012 10:18 PM
    If you are undertaking such a grave course of trainning, remember it might be a dead end career, and one that will eat you up.
    Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it depends on what you put in it
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    06/30/2012 4:47 PM
    (very deep voice)

    Larry D Hardin
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