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Carlos Peralta
Registered User
Username: Cperalta1

Post Number: 2
Registered: 2-2002
Posted on Friday, February 08, 2002 - 9:20 pm:   

Thank you for your response.


Carlos Peralta
D Wong Whey
Registered User
Username: Dwongwhey

Post Number: 49
Registered: 10-2001
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2002 - 8:23 am:   

Carlos in my opinion the correct number to use would be the regular overhaul cost proportional to time remaining/time used TBO.

You might consider inquiring of the aviation insurance "pros", LPH Pitman, Aviation Insurance Consultants of London, through the attached hyperlink where you will also find a full copy of the London AVN1C which you mention, as well as other pertinent and useful aviation insurance forms.
Carlos Peralta
Registered User
Username: Cperalta1

Post Number: 1
Registered: 2-2002
Posted on Saturday, February 02, 2002 - 8:32 pm:   

I am seeking advice regarding the London Aircraft Insurance Policy –AVN1C-, specifically about its clause, Amounts to Be Deducted From the Claim, which states: Except where the insurers exercise their option to pay for or replace the Aircraft, there shall be deducted from the claim under paragraph the 1(a) of this Section … such proportion of the Overhaul Cost of any Unit repaired or replaced as the used time bears to the Overhaul Life of the Unit.

Overhauling the engine a few years ago cost US$ 8,000.00, and the overhaul was done because the engine had reached its TBO (Time Between Overhauls). But now that same engine, due to an accident, experienced a sudden stoppage and its TBO was near; the shop has estimated the overhaul to cost US$ 20,000.00.

My question is, based on the insurance policy, which amount should be applied to be deducted in the claim? The cost of an regular overhaul o the cost of an overhaul due to an accident?


Carlos Peralta

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