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Russ doe
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 9:36 am: |
I agree with Dave and Allen.I've been doing Cat work since Northridge and still consider myself a relative Newbie to guy's like Roy cupps,Dave Hood,Allen Jackson,Tom Toll,Jim Flynt to name a few. I'm always learning new ways to be more efficient at what we do.I have worked the $165.00 fee schedule and made money! I truly believe that a lot the Newbies get good training on that schedule because those companies will take on a trainie and groom them. "BUT" when we have a large event, the $165. fee schedule will go away because all the people they have trained will opt for a more substantial fee schedule. When we (old timers) band together, and we will. We will have a pool of trained professionals that can be dispatched to Carriers and be paid on OUR schedule. For people that compete for claims, CADO members are always willing to share their knowledge and insight to better our product. It will pay off for us all. To all you Newbies,Trainees, or whatever, Learn to adjust PEOPLE, all the rest changes all the time. Have a great day and Please work SAFE!!! Russ from Houston. We need a CADO Dinner here!!.Email me!! |
alan jackson (Ajackson)
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 8:26 am: |
Bob, Please don't take this the wrong way. But, If you have only been doing this since September 99, then you are still a NEW GUY. When you can say that Mr. Hugo, Mr. Andrew and Mr. Northridge are personal friends of yours, then it will be a different story. All the little storms put together are nothing like the BIG ONE. Just ask around. Steel is harden by fire. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 8:19 am: |
seems that the new trend for companies making money is to have new hopefulls spend money they dont have to go to school and certify. then when they are called to the field, the support they have been promised has dryed up. they are given a few claims, they wade muck, climb roofs, draw pictures, make measurements. then when they try to turn some files, the computers are not available, forms are not available, help is none existant, they struggle for a week or so, then are told they need to find a new profession. who profits from the leg work they turned ?????? I THINK THEY SHOULD BE REIMBURSED FOR ALL OF THIS HIGH TECH TRAINING THEY RECEIVED. HOW MANY HAVE BEEN CAUGHT IN THIS WEB OF DECEIT THIS YEAR ???? B4 ANYONE ASKS, NO I AM NOT A NEWBEE |
bob barton
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 2:55 am: |
All i know -- sept 99 i was a newbie have been at home less than three months since always working and more thsn once i wish i knew more - thank God for old time adjusters that help me over the tough questions or just the plain old to tired to remember the right answer. I just know that everyone starts some where and this bussiness is definitaly not for everyone. Thank God that i have stayed so busy and have met some very seasoned adjusters willing to help- and oh yea for those of you who are interested - i am still working for farmers ( wardlaw ) in LA- any one in this area wants some training e-mail me at catclaims 3 i need some help too many claims not enough hours in the day. Candace inland empire go ahead and call |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 1:15 am: |
Well said Dave, Maybe it's time to seriously consider the BOYCOTT idea. The UAW doesn't strike all the auto makers a once, they simply negotiate with one of them and if a strike happens, they make an example of one car manufacturer. Maybe we should pick one of these whoring vendors who sell our services at any cheap price just so "they" can beat out the other vendor. Pick one and make an example of them and refuse to work through that vendor until they do their job and sell our services for a decent price. That's where the problem is, The Vendors! not the carriers who are just taking advantage of the out of hand competition between vendors. If we boycott one vendor the carriers will still get our services through another one, the insureds will still get service, and we will finally get heard! Now it's just a matter of deciding who the lowest of the low vendor is. I think it's our chance to act now, or forever fergedaboutit and go flip burgers! Any thoughts? |
mark (Olderthendirt)
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 9:17 am: |
CAll it e-adjust Maybe cado can collect a commision, with luck Roy can become an internet millionaire!!! Heard a rumor that farmers has given a raise, is it true, maybe fee schedules are going up!!!At least we're not sitting at home, and just think they are getting ready to train next years trainnies, to replace those who don't survive this year, someone needs to do those roof forms or attend the courses at the learning center. |
alan jackson (Ajackson)
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 11:26 am: |
We may be able to get Roy to create a new section of CADO. Something similiar to E-Bay. All the old pros can post their names and resumes. When all the rookies screw things up, the companies can bid on the seasoned pros. They will have to hire someone to straighten the mess out. Maybe the old guys can band together and hire out as a group. How much is 20 seasoned adjusters worth when we get another Andrew or North Ridge. My guess is that the high bid will be more than $99.00. Cat hearding made easy. |
R.D. Hood (Dave)
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 11:14 am: |
An old teacher once quoted 'The truth will out". This is apparent in our trade at this time. Alan poses an interesting and very serious question that deserves an answer. In the past years, we all know that the fee schedules have decreased, the file content has increased, the carriers, have relegated us to doing underwriting work, agent work, engineering work,(Three page roof forms) all for the price of an appraisal.(Fact) This then, has caused many talented Catastrophe adjusters to seek other forms of employment. Some have turned to another profession, others have taken staff positions, still others have opted to open their own local independent firms. All of these activities, have culled the ranks of the seasoned adjusters, and have opened the doors for the newer adjusters, (who choose to do this), with little or no prior knowledge of the nuances of the business. At the present time, almost all of the adjusters that choose to work are working, and we DO NOT HAVE A MAJOR CAT. Suffice to say, that when an "Andrew" or a "Northridge" class cat occurs, there will be little , if any, really talented adjusters available to work. And those that do will not sit still for the meager ($165.00 x 60%= $99.00) fee schedules)that are prevalent in the trade today. The activities of this industry have followed the trends of others in the past. A)Forget quality of product, B)Increase production, C)Maintain the profit position, at all costs D)Customer service, espouse it, BUT fergedaboutit When those that write the checks discover again, that you only get what you pay for, the tides will not only turn, it will drown some of them. Yes,Alan, we are in a change, the raw recruits will be put on the firing line, much as cannon fodder. While the "top guns" will pick and choose their fights, and stay alive and return to fight another day, IMHO. |
alan jackson (Ajackson)
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 9:42 am: |
One of my friends called me to let me know his new storm location and phone numbers. He relayed some interesting observations. He was amazed at the number of New Guys and Gals fresh out of certification school. It appears that everyone has been busy in the off season getting their certifications and lics. However he observed that 70 to 80 percent of his coworkers had very limited adjusting experience. Some confessed that they had written less than 50 estimates and some had never written any. However, they all had been to "School" and passed their "Test". Was this just a fluke storm office with all the New Guys and Gals? Are you currently working with a bunch of Rookies who don't know much? Has the low fee schedules finaly chased off the seasoned vets? Are you currently working with seasoned pros? I believe we are all wanting to know the current status of our choosen career. Have the Rookies finaly taken over? Are they the only ones willing to work for peanuts? Let us all know what you see and how you feel. |