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David G. Dye (Davidgdye)
Posted on Wednesday, February 14, 2001 - 8:26 pm:   

Even what we perceive as bad is something we can learn from. If we can't learn how to do something, we can certainly learn how NOT to do something.
Dick Benson (Dick_Benson)
Posted on Wednesday, February 14, 2001 - 5:57 pm:   

Mark, great response. If we truely are independent "adjusters", then we have to adjust to the situations that we face. We all have the right to express our opinions, we all have the right to evaluate the opinions of others. Who among us feels that he or she knows it all? For those of us that are still learning we have the right and option to hear all. Most of us are grown ups and should be able to draw our own conclussions. I'm sure we all have. I for one will continue to listen and learn. I also agree with the majority that enough is enough. I shall return to the land of lurking and proceed with my education.
Linda Asberry (Linda)
Posted on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 11:46 pm:   

HM and Mark, I SUPPOSE that you were thinking all the same things I was HM but you voiced them very well. Mark, you also have a point. Even negative remarks and responses STILL make us all think. So on the positive side (if anything was through this entire mess), we did have to think. Even if it was thinking someone else was nuts.

Just think, one day soon, we will all wake up, get a phone call, pack our vehicles and be on our way to a storm and this entire experience will only seem to be a bad dream.

Until the phone call, I am going to continue studying and thinking and hopefully be a better adjuster when the call does come.
Ghostbuster (Ghostbuster)
Posted on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 4:08 pm:   

Being the paranoid that I am,

I like conspiracy therories. I also believe in black helicopters, space alien abductions, and the 200 mile per gallon carburetor.

Could it be that the recent heat can be seen as theraputic? Why there must be at least 14 bushel baskets full of plaque from our combined arteries cleaned out from the excessive adrenalin pumping!

I do think the conversation has run it's course, tho. Being the limited attention span Americans that we are, it is time to put a new virgin up for sacrifice.

Older then dirt, you are right about being perfect. There is an old Texas expression, "When you get to be perfect, all their gonna do is put nail holes in your hands!"
mark (Olderthendirt)
Posted on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 10:33 am:   

Although many of the people here are getting uptight about one poster, perhaps he makes some of us think. We are not perfect, to my knowledge) and although we have to follow orders when we are lucky enough to be working, the Insurers are not perfect either. We shouldn't pontificate, or name call, either answer honestly or ignore.
Posted on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 1:18 am:   


That someone came on to this or some other insurance related website whose sole obejctive was to disrupt otherwise professional conversations.

That someone came on to this or some other insurance related website and pretended to be an adjuster.

That someone came on to this or some other insurance related website and they did so only after having been kicked off several other insurance related websites.

That someone came on to this or some other insurance related website only after causing two or more insurance related websites to remove their discussion forums as a result of this someone's disruptive tactics.

That someone came on to this or some other insurance related website with an obvious bias against insurance companies and the industry because they were previously "fired" by a company in the insurance industry for incompetence.

That someone came on to this or some other insurance related website with the sole goal of egotistically presuming that they could single handedly "destroy" the insurance industry in this country as we know it.

That someone came on to this or some other insurance related website who could care less about each of you, your futures, your families, and who were only seeking to find you saying or posting one thing on this website which would give them grounds to sue you for libel for a lot of money.

That someone came on to this or some other insurance related website seeking to anger an adjuster into saying something which could then be used in an anti-insurance, pro-consumer class action lawsuit with far reaching consequences.

That someone came to this or some other insurance related website with the old Kruschev attitude and idea of "we will bury you."



Do you suppose?

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