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Posted - 03/27/2004 :  09:09:03  Show Profile
[?]Most of you seem to know a lot about coverages. For a newby, any suggestions on the best way to learn coverages before the storm.


1014 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2004 :  09:40:51  Show Profile

Any or all of the following:

Go take the CIC Personal Lines Course:

Purchase and read and then take the exams for the Certificate in General Insurance Courses: There are classes available (including online classes) in most larger cities and within easy access to almost any area anywhere around the US. The same is true for the recommendations below.

Purchase, read, and take the exam for the CPCU Personal Lines exam. There are also classes available (including online classes) in most cities around the US.

Purchase, read and take the AIC Property class and exam. This also contains much useful information about the claims handling process. It is one of four steps to obtaining your AIC designation. Classes available around the US and online.

I have done all of the above, and trust me, nothing else even comes close!

I hope this helps and please feel free to email me if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Edited by - JimF on 03/27/2004 09:44:03
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3 Posts

Posted - 03/29/2004 :  11:27:00  Show Profile
Jim's suggestions are right on the money. I would, however, include a few additional ideas.

I don't know in what part of the country you are located, but I would also encourage you to check with your local college or university for any risk management and insurance associations. You would be surprised how many of these exist and how many wonderful speakers they invite to help network graduates. Any opportunity to network is a positive experience in itself, but you can take it a step further and ask these people what helped them learn coverages. If you ask this question to enough people, you can get an unbiased answer along with several personal reviews of offered programs.

I would also suggest that you identify a few individuals here (and I dare say on other sites) that appear to have a strong grasp of coverage issues and study them. Identify the many designations out there and which ones are relevant to matching your interests. Then just ask them, "how did you learn 'X'" or "what would help me learn 'X'?" or "who taught you 'X'?" I'm sure I can speak for others here and assure you that none of us would mind sharing our thoughts on our own education.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, don't try to learn it all before the storm and don't assume that you know it all because you have been to a storm. The most common fatal error among field claim representatives is believing that they know it all. Interpretations change often and you must make a conscious effort to keep up - especially after the storm. The best advice that I can give you here is to get you thinking about organization before you go. Collect policy forms (and read them, by the way) whenever you can and keep them someplace safe. When you run into something different or when a reform is made, throw out the old forms/opinions/memorandums/etc. and replace them with the new ones. Think of it as your personal coverage scrapbook. I know it sounds simple, but you will be surprises how much you will learn along the way.

While there's certainly no substitute for formal claims education, the main ingredient is the desire to know more. And it appears that you clearly have that already.

Herb Carver

Edited by - Herbc on 03/29/2004 11:27:37
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