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The Adjuster's Forum » Forum Archive » Tax Per Diem Rate » Archive through August 27, 1999 « Site Map »

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Posted on Friday, August 27, 1999 - 11:32 pm:   

I use a tax attorney and do the per diem in the area I am working in. I also am required to save receipts for back up purposes. The per diem usually parallel the receipts and I have been audited by the IRS and the documentation stands up to the test. As for mileage if I can make a suggestion, get one of those little mileage books and log everyday. Hope I have helped.
Steve Florig
Posted on Monday, August 16, 1999 - 1:39 pm:   

Regarding the link on this site for per diem rates for Federal Employees. How does this relate to me as an IA?
Do I get to write off a per diem rate for my lodging expenses? meals?
This is my first season as an IA and I have not filed any taxes yet, nor have I spoken to an accountant.
Any comments will be appreciated....
Chuck Deaton
Posted on Monday, August 16, 1999 - 5:59 pm:   

Steve, per diem is an issue that needs to be wrung out on this site. I always take the per diem rate for the area I am working in. I don't keep receipts. But, I have heard others say that their accountants advise against taking the per diem rate.

Any productive discussion on this issue will be welcomed.
Tom Joyce
Posted on Monday, August 16, 1999 - 8:02 pm:   

Been advised several times to go with the per diem rates as it is one less item to worry about on the return as it is preapproved. It has always been a fair number for the areas I have been in. Its one less item to keeop track of.

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